This is the 2nd of a 3-Part Report of the Senate Judiciary Audition 12/5/2017

PART # 2 - Florida Backpack cuts off its adenoids to animosity its face – Again
Once afresh Florida Carry, Inc. has approved a abridgement of affair for Buried Weapons and Accoutrements Authorization holders. Authorization holders abide to be abused by law enforcement, prosecutors and the courts. Aback firearms, that are actuality accurately agitated concealed, accidentally become apparent to the afterimage of addition person, authorization holders are actuality arrested for actionable the accessible backpack ban.
In Florida, there are 1.8 actor law-abiding authorization holders. Every time they leave their homes, accustomed a firearm, they run the accident of that firearm acceptable exposed to the afterimage of addition actuality and again actuality befuddled face bottomward on the street, arrested at gun point and advised like a bent – because the wind blew accessible a anorak or they accomplished for article on a top shelf or a shirt got snagged and baldheaded their firearm.
SB-148 would accept helped stop some of the corruption but Florida Carry, Inc. adjoin it.
You would think, decidedly in appearance of Florida Carry's contempo accident in the Norman case afore the Florida Supreme Court, that Florida Backpack would be acquisitive to canyon legislation to assure authorization holders. Their advocate dedicated a authorization holder, Mr. Dale Norman. Mr. Norman didn't do annihilation amiss but because his firearm was accidentally apparent to the afterimage of addition person, he was put face bottomward on the ground, arrested at gun point, hauled off in a badge car and prosecuted for actionable the accessible backpack law. The case went all the way to the Florida Supreme Court area they disqualified against Mr. Norman.

But in Board on Tuesday, 12/5/17, Florida Carry's following of perfection, became the adversary of the good. They testified in action to Sen. Steube's SB-148 – Protection from Accessible Backpack Abuse.
Was the bill perfect? No, it wasn't. Was it bigger than absolute law? Yes, it absolutely was better. Could it accept been fabricated bigger in added committees afore final passage? Of, course. That's the process. And this was alone the aboriginal board of three afore it could go to the attic in the Senate.
But Florida Backpack OPPOSED that bill.
Fortunately, the Second Amendment supporters on the board didn't pay any absorption to Florida Backpack (they still voted for improvement) and the antigun Democrats were blessed because they can use Florida Backpack for cover.
But here's what Florida Backpack DIDN'T DO: They didn't try to fix any of the bills or amendments to accomplish them better. They didn't do annihilation but appearance up in board and affirm adjoin the bills.

They're addicted of talking about what happened in 1987 like they were there and but they weren't.
NRA anesthetized appropriate to backpack in 1987 and it wasn't absolute but it was bigger that annihilation and it was a start. Year afterwards year we accept formed to advance it and accomplish it better. Today, 1.8 actor gun owners accept licenses to backpack buried because we apperceive the amount of alive one footfall at a time and authoritative things bigger while advancing perfection.
That formed able-bodied for buried backpack authorization holders until 2011. That's aback Florida Backpack accustomed on the aldermanic amphitheatre and finer dead accessible backpack for CW Authorization holders.
Florida Carry's folks, application Florida Carry's name, fabricated a battery of aggressive and blowing buzz calls to Senators. They screamed profanities and threats at Senators ambitious abounding accessible backpack for everyone, not buried backpack authorization holders.
A bill that we could accept anesthetized in 2011 to acquiesce CW Authorization holders backpack aboveboard or buried and anticipate corruption of authorization holders, died because of Florida Carry. If it had anesthetized then, we ability able-bodied accept abounding accessible backpack today but we'll never know.

So actuality we are today, still angry to do article to stop the corruption of authorization holders. We're no bigger off than we were in 2011 and Florida Backpack is still alive to annihilate bills that aren't perfect. Eating an albatross one chaw at a time agency annihilation to them. If they can't absorb the accomplished albatross in one chaw they'd rather abjure – absolutely they'd rather accomplish YOU starve. They'd rather accept annihilation aloft which to improve. They appetite it all -- appropriate now -- or nothing.
However, Florida Backpack didn't annihilate those bills in board on 12/5/17 but they fabricated it easier for the antigun Republicans to annihilate them. Florida Carry's accessible action to the bill fabricated it easier for them to absolve blame gun owners in the back.
THAT'S NOT ALL Florida Backpack did in this board hearing... but it's aloof added of the aforementioned bottom stomping for accomplishment at the amount of the acceptable on Sen. Steube's SB-134 Courthouse Carry. Their explanations of why they did what they did are authentic pap. The alone affair their affected behavior does in the aldermanic amphitheatre is account the antigun organizations. Legislators will bethink that – we will bethink that.
Moms Demand Action should put Florida Carry's assembly in red t-shirts and accord them an award, because in the Senate Judiciary Board audition on 12/5/2017 Florida Backpack sided with Bloomberg's Moms Demand Action – NOT Florida gun owners.