by Alex BillingtonApril 3, 2010

If you've been afterward the Tron Legacy viral on, you apperceive we've been hyping up this viral accident in San Francisco for the aftermost anniversary or so. Encom, the fabulous gaming aggregation in the movies, was hosting a columnist appointment and again we abstruse that Flynn Lives was alignment a "secret" meet-up beforehand to agitate the event. That's absolutely what happened but there were a few agitative surprises tonight and it was a hell of an accident to watch alive and participate in - at atomic until the actual end. Not alone did they host an Encom columnist conference, but an Encom helicopter (!!) flew in aftermost minute and a guy parachuted bottomward appropriate in advanced of us.
The atramentous started out with a "secret" meet-up at a big amphitheater in the Hyatt Regency. About 150 bodies or so chock-full by to appearance their abutment and anybody got a Flynn Lives bodice and affiche on their way in. The organizers again proceeded to appearance us a presentation analogue the ARG faux-history back 1982 (when Tron came out) of Encom and explained what happened to Kevin Flynn (went missing in 1989) and why the Flynn Lives alignment exists - because we still accept he's out there somewhere! Again they gave us a briefing on the columnist appointment and what we were planning to do - agitate aggregate with a baby aggregation that would eventually booty over the date and carol "Flynn Lives!" to appearance Encom that he's still got some supporters.
On our way out, they mentioned that they had begin a box of promo swag from the columnist appointment and we all accustomed a Space Paranoids pin. No one knew what this meant at the time, but we afterwards begin out. With the affairs in place, we all fabricated our way alfresco (where it was rather airy and cold) and apparent a appealing alarming date bureaucracy with behemothic Encom logos and atramentous lights all over the abode (see the photos below). At about 8PM, the absolute Alan Bradley (as in, amateur Bruce Boxleitner himself) absolved over from the chic auberge beyond the street, escorted by abundant security, and took the date amidst amazing auspicious and applause.
We recorded a video of best of Bradley's speech, which you can watch anon beneath here, so analysis it out. The big "product" advertisement of the night was that Space Paranoids, the video bold that Kevin Flynn originally created, has been upgraded and is now activity to be arise playable online ancient in the abreast approaching (it's not accessible yet). Early on, Bradley was abutting on date by the admirable Lora (aka Yori - Cindy Morgan) back in the aboriginal Tron he hooks up with her and they've - in the cine apple - backward affiliated since. Afterwards authoritative that announcement, Bradley cautiously accomplished up his speech, but annihilation happened.
It took a few account and some "we're accepting abstruse difficulties" abstracted from the Encom PR lady, but eventually a army of Flynn Lives admirers stormed the date and the screens angry to Flynn Lives logos and the army went wild. But was that the end? It seemed like article was missing. A few account later, we heard a aside chopping complete in the air. All of a abrupt a atramentous helicopter flew by and anybody went crazy back we all noticed that it was an Encom helicopter with big logos on the side. A behemothic spotlight focused on it as it flew by and somehow the logo and stripes on the ancillary glowed red like a lightcycle. There's video below.

Each time the helicopter would pass, I could see a guy continuing on the bend about to jump out. Afterwards ambit the area, with the accident cameras still focused on it, we noticed that article "fell out" and all of a abrupt a parachute popped accessible in the sky. The guy in the helicopter had jumped out and whirled berserk through the air in the crazy apprehension I mentioned earlier. He eventually landed to the larboard of the date but was aerated away. Suddenly, the accident was over, alike admitting no one knew it was. Anybody stood there attractive around, analytic if that was it, and absolutely it was, but it ability not accept occurred absolutely as originally planned.
During Alan Bradley's presentation he paused at the end of his accent and looked up in the sky, and it's my assumption that the helicopter was declared to arise and agitate his presentation. I additionally anticipate it was declared to be Sam Flynn in the helicopter jumping out, but because we never saw or heard from that guy at all, no one absolutely knew. It was a absurd bureaucracy that they put a lot of money into and I admired the abstraction and actuality a allotment of it, but it apparently would've been a bit bigger if it had gone as originally planned. I was additionally acquisitive that the parachuter would arise on date afterwards landing or accept some added involvement, but he never did.
That said, this was still an alarming event, alike admitting I anticipate the afterpiece abashed anybody and larboard absolutely a few of the attendees let bottomward because it concluded so abruptly after any explanation. If this is a forerunner to whatever they may be planning for the San Diego Comic-Con this July, I can't frickin' delay to see what'll appear there. Like I said, this was a ablaze abstraction and anybody about me seemed to be adequate it as it was activity down. There was affluence of activity and action at the event, aloof no absolute payoff, although it was alarming to all of a abrupt see an Encom branded aglow helicopter fly appropriate into this columnist appointment and bead off some skydiver (supposedly actuality Sam Flynn). That was the highlight of this accident and the night.

That seems to be all to address on for now, but interestingly, Alan Bradley did acknowledgment that they've included some 15 new levels in Space Paranoids advised by Kevin Flynn himself. I accept a activity there is a lot added to the Tron Legacy viral that we'll be seeing over the abutting few canicule already that bold hits online and chat of this accident spreads about the world. You can see a few added photos from this beneath and we've heard there ability be an official video put calm anon as well. Stay acquainted for added updates on the Tron Legacy viral!
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