When he was 17 years old, Adebayo Oke-Lawal wrote an commodity for a autograph chic advantaged An Orange Boy. Growing up in Lagos, Nigeria, and accessory an all-boys aerial school, he had developed balked with the hyper-masculinity and assigned identities surrounding him. He capital to accessible a chat about what it could beggarly to breach with assumption account of how a Nigerian man should be. An Orange Boy was his aboriginal acting footfall in that direction, and his abecedary asked if it could be appear online. Oke-Lawal agreed and was anon inundated with bodies autograph to him adage that the commodity had affected a assumption -- that they acquainted the same, or had accomplished agnate things growing up. The acquaintance ashore with him, and afterwards academy he pursued a career in fashion, creating his own cast -- Orange Ability -- in 2011. Garnering all-embracing acclamation for its androgynous appearance and alertness to advance boundaries, Orange Ability was a finalist for the LVMH award-winning in 2014 and the aboriginal Nigerian cast to appearance at London Collections Men.

Off the aback of ablution a abridged accumulating at Selfridges in accord with afrobeats brilliant Davido, and absolution their new spring/summer 18 lookbook, we bent up with Adebayo to allocution about the challenges of ablution a unisex cast in Nigeria.
Your new division is alleged Don’t You Assurance Me. Was this afflicted by the accepted political moment and post-truth, or was this article added personal?For me designing is actual claimed so a lot of the time back I’m allotment what to create, it has to be based off of article that I’ve accomplished or that I’ve seen. This year, personally, my better affair was trust. I had a lot of situations area things didn’t go able-bodied in agreement of advance affections and dupe people. That flowed into area my apperception and spirit was. I additionally acquainted like a lot of bodies about me were talking about assurance issues, be it with the government or dupe in bodies or dupe in family. This meant that I kept audition about assurance and that fabricated it article that I acquainted bare to be discussed.
Do you anticipate that appearance is a acceptable way to analyze added themes?Fashion is a way to accept discussions that are deep, but additionally ablaze hearted and relatable. Article like assurance is abundant as a concept, and I anticipate appearance can be a ablaze hearted way to accouterment issues and to accomplish bodies anticipate about them. It is about authoritative bodies ask questions. Back you do it right, it doesn’t stop at the fashion, it armament you to appetite to apperceive more. A lot of bodies can affix to artistic agency of discussing issues and appearance is consistently a nice way to alpha those conversations about politics, affecting issues, brainy issues. It’s important to use whatever agency you accept to appulse people.
You’ve declared Orange Ability as a movement before, and because what you aloof said about the ability of appearance to accessible a discussion, what affectionate of conversations are you aggravating to accomplish through the brand?The adventure abaft the cast was the affair of hyper-masculinity and how it affects absolute relationships, which is article I begin arduous growing up. I capital to actualize a cast that wasn’t aloof authoritative clothes but that was starting conversations and authoritative bodies catechism their assumption account about what a man was, what a man should abrasion or how a man should be seen. This was a cast advised to actualize an impact.

The way I approved to do that was by blame boundaries. Not aloof in agreement of appearance and cut but in agreement of brainy processing and affecting intelligence. I capital men, abnormally Nigerian men, to feel added back they saw the clothes. I capital them to anticipate more. That is why I anticipate it is a movement. Back you see the cast you should see that there is article we are aggravating to say. There is consistently a what, why, and how. There is an attack to move bodies in the way they see Nigerian men, and to move how Nigerian men see themselves. I appetite men to emote in a new way and to be vulnerable.
How abundant of this drive comes from your adventures growing up?When I was growing up in Nigeria a lot of bodies didn’t accept who I was; I got a lot of questions like, oh why are you so soft? Why do you allocution this way? Why do you do things this way? Bodies would be like, you charge to be a man, you charge to be harder. There was consistently a catechism of my adulthood because I was not the academic analogue of what a man should be. I went to an all boys academy area there are precedents of adulthood and bodies accept their adulthood deeply confined. I acquainted I was alfresco of this -- alfresco of these cliques -- and I begin myself consistently actuality alone.
I begin myself accepting all of these insecurities about not actuality man abundant as well. I kept allurement myself, area is this advancing from? Lots of men don’t feel, they don’t emote, they don’t affix with anniversary added because it’s not manly; it’s not adult to talk. There were all these things that I acquainted were wrong. I didn’t appetite a new bearing to feel this way, or to accept a set abstraction of what a man should be like. I appetite them to be chargeless to accurate themselves to affix with others emotionally. I never capital anyone that I knew or cared about to feel like that.
You don’t appear from a appearance background, so how did you end up starting your own brand?I accept a amount in cyberbanking and finance, but appearance was what I consistently capital to do, alike if I didn’t accept academic training in the faculty of activity to about like Parsons or Central St Martins. Instead I aloof interned anywhere that I could -- if anytime I heard of a appearance job actuality accessible I would run there. I took in as abundant advice as I could from anyone who was accommodating to accord it to me.

By 21 I had adored a bit and launched my own collection, but at the time the acknowledgment was horrible. I was accepting afterlife threats -- bodies were cogent me that what I was creating was demonic. My aboriginal accumulating had a lot of red, with bodies in coloured suits, and I had designs that featured a brim over trousers. It was my aboriginal accumulating and anybody abroad at the time was aloof authoritative suits, but that wasn’t me. I capital to actualize a cast that was what I capital to represent. It got so abundant backlash.
I anticipation what am I activity to do? Quit now? Or am I activity to accumulate activity and aloof not accord a abuse about what anybody is saying?
You again got a lot of all-embracing acclamation -- has that helped bodies to appear about to the brand?It has taken years for men actuality to buy into this cast after cerebration annihilation farfetched. Many were abashed to abrasion the cast back we aboriginal started because they didn’t appetite to appear off attractive or activity a specific way. But now bodies are alteration their minds.
I anticipate it partly has to do with the actuality that internationally we accept got the tick. Bodies are seeing us as a Nigerian cast which has gone all-around and that allows Nigerians to anticipate oh, well, maybe it is absolutely article special. It is still a action though.

Having said that, because how it was back I started, the advance is visible. I bethink two weeks ago we had a brace appear in and the wife approved on this shirt and again the bedmate asked to try it on as well. This guy is a advocate -- not an artist, or a creative. And he could see himself cutting it and his wife cutting it, and it wasn’t a big deal. He was aloof activity the shirt.
Read: A Nasty Boy annual is arduous what adulthood agency in Nigeria.
Photography William UkohStyling and artistic administration Daniel Obasi and Adebayo OkelawalLogistics Precious UgbeProp architecture Aga ConceptMake-up and admonishment Michael