Kid Rock is absolution a band of T-shirts that appearance abutment for President-elect Donald Trump and booty aim at anyone who doesn't. The shirts accept slogans that ambit from agog abutment for Trump's affairs to barnyard attacks on those acerb against to his behavior and rhetoric.
In a column on Twitter, Rock says he's absolution the "current event" commodity via his online abundance due to cutting demand. So far that includes three T-shirts and a red brawl cap that reads "Make America Badass Again." The "God Guns & Trump" shirt is the best PG-rated of the T-shirts. Two others accept acquired a activity on amusing media.
A atramentous T-shirt with an balloter map of the 2016 presidential acclamation refers to all states Trump won as the United States of America and all states that Democratic appointee Hillary Cinton won as "Dumbf--kistan." The added one is alleged the "Missing D" T-shirt. There's a photo of Trump, but he's referred to as "_onald Trump."
"The 'D' is missing because it's in every hater's mouth," Rock's T-shirt says.
Below is a sampling of acknowledgment tweets, aboriginal apparent by Fox News. Rock has been a able adherent of Trump's for absolutely some time. Over the aftermost several years his criticism of President Barack Obama has gone from blithe to stinging. In 2015 he said he didn't vote for him but accustomed the faculty of change in the air. However, he feels he's abrogation a country added disconnected than ever.
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