Ain’t no Halloween like a Hawkins Halloween, ’cause a Hawkins Halloween is in the ’80s! The additional chance of Stranger Things’ additional division is a nostalgia-drenched cruise aback in time to the ballsy trick-or-treat crawls of yesteryear, aback rogue Pac-Mans roamed the streets and kids argued over who got to be the Venkman in their pint-sized Ghostbusters crew. Apparel artist Kim Wilcox had the absolutely enviable assignment of authoritative Halloween apparel for the capital cast, additional hundreds of extras. She raided ’80s pop ability magazines — as able-bodied as her claimed memories of bonbon hunting during that antecedent beachcomber of Ghostbusters mania — for the episode. “I grew up in the ’70s and ’80s,” says the Emmy-nominated designer, who took over the Stranger Things gig from the Division 1 aggregation of Kimberly Adams-Galligan and Malgosia Turzanska. “I anticipate I went as a gypsy a lot aback I was a kid, but I admired bodies who would dress up as the Mummy and Frankenstein. But I was not a big fan of clowns! I saw addition dressed as Pennywise walking bottomward the artery in L.A. recently, and I was like, ‘Oh boy.’” We batten with Wilcox about the origins of anniversary above character’s apparel and whether Halloween was added fun 30 years ago than it is today.

Yahoo TV: Let’s alpha with the boys’ Ghostbusters outfits. Did you get permission from Sony to use the official logos?Kim Wilcox: Yeah, it was absolutely allotment of the calligraphy for Chance 2. I anticipate that Netflix and the bodies from Apparition Corps got calm and absitively this would be a fun aspect to acquaint into the show. It’s absolute abundant in befitting with the time. The movies from 1984 are amazing, and Ghostbusters was one of the big ones. So it makes absolute faculty for our boys to challenge those amazing scientists who accept baffled the ghosts. Given what happened to them aftermost season, it combines the beatnik allotment of who they are and the chance part. They’re additionally appropriate at that bend of a time aback you abrasion your trick-or-treating accouterments to school. Of course, again they apprehend that cipher abroad dressed up, and it’s so embarrassing.
Would you accept still gone with the Ghostbusters apparel if you hadn’t gotten approval to use the official logo? Maybe accomplishing an off-brand adaptation or something? We ability accept approved to do that, admitting I’m not abiding if Legal would’ve let us. But the admiration was so abundant fun. We anticipation about how these boys and their moms would accept appear up with these costumes. Some of the wealthier moms ability accept been able to go and buy a little clothing to ambush out, but Joyce doesn’t accept the money to do that. Her ancestors aloof affectionate of gets by with her one salary; best of their clothes appear from the austerity store, or they rewear actuality they’ve had for years and years and years. We adulation the arena area she is hand-sewing the little Ghostbusters logo assimilate the apparel that she’s made. You could absolutely buy the logo application aback then, but the blow of the apparel you’d accept to make.
So you tailored anniversary accouterments to reflect the boys’ socioeconomic backgrounds? Yeah. Will’s clothing was absolutely congenital from scratch, admitting the added ones are altered kinds of flight or artisan apparel that we were able to acquisition out in the world. We best them afar and rebuilt them, because our characters were teenagers, not developed men. Will’s is my admired because it’s a little big on him and affectionate of droopy. Joyce has sewn on the Ghostbusters emblem, but you can see it’s a little bit messy, which makes faculty for Joyce too. I like that about that costume.
How about the proton packs? Our propmaster, Lynda Reiss, and her aggregation created all those props. They did a admirable job! I anticipate she put them on approved backpacks and congenital them out from there. That’s how you would advance if you were a mom. The boys apparently sat there and slaved abroad at the proton packs too. That’s what they’re absolutely aflame by.
[In an email to Beast Entertainment, Reiss confirms the kid-centric approach: “I capital aggregate to be fabricated of what it would accept been fabricated of had kids fabricated it, so the proton packs are atom boxes taped together; there’s an old pie-tin for the amphitheater piece, as able-bodied as Mason jar lids, buttons, atramentous wire and rope, a exhaustion cleaner corrupt and nozzle, and a lath cap gun as the activate mechanism. Everywhere we use tape, we acclimated old academy aqueduct band or agleam scotch tape, and again corrective aggregate with atramentous affiche paint.”]
Were the actors already Ghostbusters fans, or was it alfresco of their pop ability knowledge? I anticipate that the Duffers gave the kids homework, so I’m absolute they’d apparent the cine and apparently afore they were assigned it as homework. [Laughs.] But who wouldn’t appetite to abrasion a Ghostbusters clothing and proton pack? These kids are all absolute abundant aflame about these characters. And the Duffers were absolutely excited! We did a affection lath with them at the alpha of the season, and they’re absolutely into what was big at the time. They’ve been absolute abundant complex in all aspects of the apparel design, because we’re creating article they see in their minds, you know?
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Max (Sadie Sink) gets her Michael Myers on in this Halloween aggressive costume. (Photo: Netflix)

I adulation the moment aback they’re out trick-or-treating and Max all-overs out in the Michael Myers affectation from Halloween. The fable abaft that mask, of course, is that John Carpenter reused a Captain Kirk afterlife affectation from Star Trek for the film. So did you use a Kirk affectation as able-bodied or a Myers mask? That’s a Lynda question. I ambition I knew! [Laughs.]
[Via email, Reiss says that Max’s affectation is a aggregate of the two: “The absolute Michael Myers affectation was not on auction at the time of our actualization in 1984, so we had to accomplish it attending like Max had done what the Halloween prop bodies did: Booty a Shatner affectation and acrylic it. We took a Mike Myers affectation that was the actualization acclimated in the aboriginal movie, and removed a agglomeration of acrylic so it had the feel of a flesh-colored affectation that had been painted.”]
There are lots of abundant apparel in the accomplishments of those trick-or-treating scenes as well. I adulation the guy in the Pac-Man outfit, for example. We additionally had a adorn airing through the background. Somebody did that aback I was a kid, so we put it in the episode. And Pac-Man is in there. We appealing abundant had chargeless rein, so we went aback and looked at mid-’80s catalogues and magazines like Tiger Beat. I additionally had middle- and aerial academy yearbooks from that time, and they accept abundant pictures of what we were bathrobe up as for Halloween. It was fun for my crew, because they got to be added adroit than accepted in adjustment to accomplish a absolute Hawkins-esque accustomed costume.
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Check out the bootleg Pac-Man apparel in the top appropriate bend of the frame. (Photo: Netflix)
Did the account get to accept which apparel they capital to wear? No, we chose in every case. We best a apparel that fabricated faculty with the face of anniversary person. So we’d say, “Oh, this actuality looks like they could be a cowboy.” For the adults, we capital a Cyndi Lauper, so we begin addition and decked her out all in red.
The affair that Steve and Nancy appear is additionally a absolute costume-dense scene. In that case, we looked aback at the movies of the time and best what was the best agitative and which fabricated faculty for the character’s personality. Some of them were additionally aggressive by the Duffers. They’d say, “We anticipate this guy should be a Cobra Kai, and maybe Billy [Dacre Montgomery] should be the Terminator.” 1984 was additionally a abundant year for pop culture, so we accept Michael Jackson and Madonna in there, and Siouxsie Sioux makes an appearance. It was absolutely fun to go aback and booty a attending at what was the music that was accepted at the time.
Was that an official Cobra Kai accouterments in the attitude of the Ghostbusters logo? Oh no — we congenital that. We didn’t body the accomplished thing. I anticipate we got a atramentous [robe] and again we fabricated our own cobra design. It’s an admiration to Cobra Kai, but it’s not absolutely Cobra Kai. We anticipation about what would you do if you had to do this at home. And aback we’re a apparel person, sometimes we do it a little too well, and again we’d accept to appear aback and blend it up so it looked a little beneath accomplished and professional.

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For Steve and Nancy, Halloween is absolutely Risky Business. (Photo: Netflix)
Was the abstraction to dress Steve and Nancy up as Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay from Risky Business additionally article that originated in the script? Yeah, Risky Business was article the Duffers had anticipation about for a while. They knew they capital them to dress as a couple, and we absolutely admired the abstraction that putting glasses and a popped collar on Steve gave him a supercool look. And it fabricated faculty for Nancy, because that accurate Rebecca De Mornay apparel is affectionate of innocent-looking; she’s not an innocent appearance [in Risky Business], but she looks innocent in that scene. And Nancy additionally changes afterwards this night, because it’s the night that she and Steve affectionate of unravel. She’s aggravating to accumulate up an [innocent] advanced and be like, “Everything’s OK,” but everything’s not OK. This is the aftermost time we see her as the Nancy we apperceive and adulation from Division 1.
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Goodhearted Bob is in no way a bloodsucker. (Photo: Netflix)
Did Sean Astin appear up with the abstraction of Bob bathrobe as a vampire? I anticipate vampire may accept been article abroad that was scripted, but we anticipation about it for a while. We anticipation that Bob is the affectionate of guy who every year gets dressed up for Halloween and puts all this time and accomplishment into it. He’s commonly the affectionate of guy who comes to assignment dressed up and doesn’t affliction that cipher abroad is dressed up, but in this case, he’s absolutely gone home and changed, because he’s activity to accept this admirable black with Joyce. Maybe he would accept adopted that Joyce had dressed up too, but that’s not absolutely who she is, aback she’s been through this alarming experience. Bob has gone out of his way to be this absolute silly, ambrosial vampire for Joyce and the kids on Halloween. Sean Astin is a ambrosial animal actuality to assignment with, and he had so abundant fun in the applicable and on set. Once a Goonie comes to assignment with you, it doesn’t get bigger than that, right?

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Eleven cosplays as E.T. (Photo: Netflix)
Was Eleven’s apparition apparel a Charlie Brown reference? I anticipate it was E.T. But it’s additionally a advertence to the actuality that she is a ghost, because bodies anticipate she’s dead. So it makes absolute faculty that she thinks she ability be able to put on this apparel and go out into the world, and no one would anytime apperceive she’s there. We had fun with that costume.
What array of applicable is appropriate for a bedsheet? You angle still so we can mark area your eyes go! [Laughs] Again we cut them and see if you can airing about after affliction yourself. You don’t appetite to cruise on the sheet, and we don’t appetite to see too abundant of you. Aback you dress kids up in Halloween costumes, anybody gets a little bit goofy, and that consistently makes for a acceptable fitting.
Having re-created ’80s Halloween fashions for this episode, do you anticipate Halloween apparel were bigger aback again against now? What’s nice about Halloween in the ’80s, at atomic the Halloween we’re talking about in Hawkins, Ind., is that there’s an chastity about it. I absence the time aback you use a bedding as your bonbon bag instead of activity out and affairs a artificial pumpkin, you know? Or you would aloof booty your mom’s tablecloth, blanket it about your waist, annex her scarves and beads, and accomplish some apparel out of that. I bethink activity to the dime store, and you’d get these apparel in a box that would be Casper the Friendly Apparition or the Wolf Man. I admired that better. Halloween has become alike added commercialized now, and it’s gotten abnormally sexualized, abnormally for adolescent girls. It’s fun to go aback to the simple basics and do added of the bootleg stuff.
Will you be aflame to see kids bathrobe up as Stranger Things characters in Halloweens to come? Oh yeah! Honestly, the apparel that Kimberly Adams created for Division 1, Eleven’s blush dress, is apparently activity to be the best iconic affair for a while. But yeah, I achievement there are some jailbait Elevens out there, and a few Dustins. It’s absolutely nice aback bodies adulation your actualization abundant to imitate what you do.
Stranger Things is currently alive on Netflix.
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