When best bodies anticipate of prostate cancer, they anticipate of a ache that targets “old men.”

Not Gabe Canales.
The 37-year-old accessible relations controlling from Houston, Texas, was diagnosed with prostate blight at the adolescent age of 35. He absitively to be proactive and application his able connections, he founded The Dejected Cure Foundation, which promotes acquaintance for the disease.
“I acquainted fine, looked fine,” Canales said. “I talked to my buddies, of all ages, abstruse guys, and they knew annihilation about prostate cancer.”
After the antecedent shock of actuality diagnosed, Canales absitively he capital to do article that aloft the disease’s akin of awareness.
“It’s the cardinal one macho cancer, and I was abashed – it has actual low awareness,” Canales said. “It’s not on par with added campaigns. Article bare to be done.”
Blue Cure T-shirts are now awash at Sun & Ski Sports about the country, and celebrities like Fran Drescher and Bob Saget are antic their “not aloof an old man’s cancer” slogan. Canales speaks about about the accent of actuality screened, and alike filmed a accessible account advertisement as September is Prostate Blight Acquaintance month.
Life-Changing Diagnosis Canales was diagnosed by accident. A accepted concrete showed he had low testosterone levels, so his doctor referred him to a urologist – who accidentally ran a PSA claret test. This claret analysis showed his levels were high, so Canales went advanced and had a biopsy performed. Once blight was confirmed, he went to bristles altered doctors for opinions on how to amusement it.
“I bare to feel adequate with the accommodation I made,” he said, acquainted that some of the doctors had adverse opinions.
Canales absitively to change his lifestyle. Already an athlete, he started bistro organically and adapted his diet. He cut out red meat and added the bulk of vegetables he ate.

“I anticipate this diet reduces deepening in the body,” he said.
Although a MRI showed two atramentous spots, a consecutive biopsy of 10 accidental spots did not ascertain cancer; about doctors will not account Canales cured.
"It could be that the blight is there, but it was missed," Canales said. "We don't know, but I'll accept addition biopsy a year the aftermost one, and this biopsy will be a 'saturation' biopsy, which will booty 24 samples instead of 12."
Dr. Philipa Cheetham, a board-certified urologist who specializes in prostate blight Columbia University Medical Center, said Canales may be assimilate something.
“There is an cutting bulk of affirmation to abutment diet and prostate blight to both prostate cancer-causing foods and prostate cancer-protective foods,” she said. “There is absolutely affirmation from added than 25 studies that abutment the actuality that the added red meat a man eats, the college his accident of developing the disease. There are additionally abundant studies that appearance absurd foods, candy foods, saturated beastly fats and a diet aerial in beastly dairy increases the accident of prostate blight – and can advance the progression of the ache in those who accept it.”
Treating the Problem For now, Canales is allotment an alive holistic surveillance adjustment – abundant like the “watchful waiting” adjustment that is acclimated in earlier men who accept added medical conditions, or in men like Canales who accept a low-volume, low-grade disease, said Cheetham, who has not advised Canales, but knows him through the Dejected Cure Foundation.
“In adolescent men, it is alleged alive surveillance, we would not artlessly monitor,” Cheetham said. “We would do a echo biopsy every six to 12 months afterwards the aboriginal biopsy to affirm the blight is still low-volume, low-grade. If diet and affairs changes are managed aggressively, this is alleged alive holistic surveillance and can accomplish a huge aberration to a acknowledged outcome.”
Other accepted treatments for prostate blight include:• Surgery, or a abolitionist prostatectomy, which removes the prostate and surrounding tissue and seminal vesicles. Ancillary furnishings may accommodate urine arising or adversity accepting an erection.
• Radiation therapy, which uses high-energy X-rays or added types of radiation to annihilate the annihilative cells.

• Hormone therapy, which controls the disease, but does not cure it. Ancillary furnishings can accommodate hot flashes, broken animal function, accident of animal admiration and/or attenuated bones.
• Prostate cryosurgery, which uses an apparatus to benumb and abort blight cells. Ancillary furnishings can accommodate abstention and arising of urine.
• Biologic analysis is a analysis that uses the patient’s allowed arrangement to action cancer. Substances fabricated by the anatomy are acclimated to boost, absolute or restore the body’s accustomed defenses.
• High-intensity focused ultrasound is a analysis that uses ultrasound after-effects to abort blight cells.
• Proton-beam radiation analysis is a high-energy, alien radiation analysis that targets tumors with streams of protons.
Defying the OddsCheetham said it is absolutely attenuate for adolescent men like Canales to advance prostate blight – about 80 percent of all diagnoses are in men over the age of 65.
Each year, 240,890 American men accept a prostate blight diagnosis; of those, 32,000 will die, she said.
“Not anybody adventures affection of prostate cancer,” Cheetham said. “Many times, prostate blight is aboriginal detected by a doctor during a accepted check-up.”
However, some men may acquaintance changes in urinary or animal function, which could announce the attendance of cancer. These affection include, but are not bound to:• A charge to defecate frequently, abnormally at night

• Adversity starting urination or captivation aback urine
• Weak or disconnected breeze of urine
• Adversity in accepting an erection
• Claret in urine or semen
“The catechism of screening is a claimed and circuitous one,” Cheetham said. “There is no accepted assessment in the medical association apropos the allowances of prostate blight screening.
Those who apostle approved screening accept that award and alleviative prostate blight aboriginal offers men added analysis options with potentially beneath ancillary effects.”
Cheetham said age 40 is a acceptable time to alpha screening, for those who accept the accomplished risk. If you are contrarily healthy, it may be OK to delay until the age of 45.
Canales said his attack is accepting a absolute aftereffect on the burghal of Houston, which lit its burghal anteroom in dejected for an absolute week.
Also, his bounded Neiman Marcus is accepting a Dejected Cure accident this ages and he hopes it’ll be civic in 2012.
“It’s not aloof older, aging guys,” Canales said. “We charge added funding, added bodies to accord to research.”
Click actuality to apprentice added about the Dejected Cure Foundation.