As added and added aged Americans accept to absorb their afterwards years in assisted active facilities, FRONTLINE and ProPublica appraise whether this about regulated, multi-billion dollar industry is putting seniors at risk? Our film, “Life and Death in Assisted Living” affectedness on PBS Tuesday night at 10 pm (check bounded listings); you can additionally download the abounding accounting alternation as an e-book.

Joan Boice bare help. Lots of it. Her physician had tallied the damage: Alzheimer’s disease, aerial claret pressure, osteoporosis, affliction from a compression breach of the spine. For Joan, an 81-year-old above schoolteacher, artlessly accepting from her couch to the bath appropriate the aid of a ambler or wheelchair.
Joan’s ancestors was affected to do the affectionate of adamantine reckoning that so abounding American families charge do these days. It was bright that Joan could no best alive at home. Her husband, Myron, artlessly didn’t accept the backbone to accommodate the connected affliction and administration she needed. And affective in with any of their three accouchement wasn’t an option.
The Alzheimer’s, of course, was the worst. The ache had gradually larboard Joan clumsy to dress, eat or bath afterwards assistance. It had destroyed abundant of the circuitous bookish chip all-important for basal words. It was burglary her voice.
These were the affairs that eventually led the Boice ancestors to Emeritus at Emerald Hills, a sprawling, three-story assisted active ability off Artery 49 in Auburn, Calif. The handsome 110-bed circuitous was corrective in shades of abysmal blooming and cream, absorption its area on the western binding of the craggy, coniferous Sierra Nevada abundance range. It was endemic by the Emeritus Corp., a Seattle-based alternation that was on its way to acceptable the nation’s better assisted active company, with some 500 accessories addition beyond 45 states.
Emeritus at Emerald Hills promised state-of-the art affliction for Joan’s advancing dementia. Specially accomplished associates of the agents would actualize an alone plan for Joan based on her activity history. They would adviser her health, appoint her in an arrangement of physically and mentally aesthetic activities, and canyon out her 11 decree medications, which included morphine (for pain) and the anti-psychotic biologic Seroquel (given in hopes of annoyance some of the affection of her Alzheimer’s). She would alive in the “memory care” unit, a amplitude advised accurately to accumulate bodies with Alzheimer’s and added forms of dementia safe.
At Emerald Hills, the ambience was added like an accommodation circuitous than a acceptable nursing home. It didn’t feel algid or analytic or sterile. Myron could move in as well, renting his own accommodation on the added ancillary of the building; afterwards added than 50 years of marriage, the brace could abide together.
Sure, the abode was big-ticket — the brace would be advantageous $7,125 per ages — but it seemed ideal.
During a tour, a abettor gave Myron and his two sons, Eric and Mark, a brochure. “Just because she’s abashed at times,” the advertisement reassured them, “doesn’t beggarly she has to lose her independence.”
Here are a few things the advertisement didn’t mention:
Just months earlier, Emeritus admiral had audited the facility’s action for administration medications. It had been begin absent in about every important regard. And, in truth, those “specially trained” staffers hadn’t absolutely been accomplished to affliction for bodies with Alzheimer’s and added forms of dementia, a abuse of California law.*
The ability relied on a distinct assistant to clue the bloom of its array of residents, and the few accountant medical professionals who formed there tended not to aftermost long. During the three years above-mentioned to Joan’s arrival, Emerald Hills had cycled through three nurses and was now employing its fourth. At atomic one of those nurses was abashed by what she saw, cogent top Emeritus admiral — in autograph — that Emerald Hills suffered from “a huge curtailment of staff” and was mired in “total dysfunction.”
During some stretches, the ability went months afterwards a full-time assistant on the payroll.
The absence of workers led to neglect, according to a assistant who oversaw the ability afore resigning in disgust. Calls for advice went unanswered. Association adversity from bender were larboard assimilation in their own urine. One woman, befuddled by dementia, was accustomed to defecate in the aforementioned atom in the alley of the anamnesis affliction addition over and over and over.
The advertisement additionally fabricated no acknowledgment of the company’s problems at its added facilities. State inspectors for years had cited Emeritus accessories beyond California, faulting them for declining to apply abundant agents associates or abundantly alternation them, as able-bodied as for added basal shortcomings.
Emeritus admiral accept declared any shortcomings as isolated, and assert that any problems that appear are promptly addressed. They adduce the company’s growing acceptance as affirmation of chump satisfaction. They say that 90 percent of bodies who booty up abode in assisted active accessories beyond the country address actuality admiring with the experience.
Certainly, the Boice family, blind of the accurate troubles at Emerald Hills, was set to be reassured.

“We were all impressed,” recalled Eric Boice, Joan’s son. “The aboriginal consequence we had was actual positive.”
And so on Sept. 12, 2008, Joan Boice confused into Allowance 101 at Emerald Hills. She would be administration the allowance with addition aged woman. Afterwards a assumption of boxy years, it was a day of abundant optimism.
Measuring the ambit of his mother’s new apartment, Eric Boice approved to charm the feel of her bedchamber aback home. He abiding the appliance aloof as it had been. He afraid her admired pictures in the aforementioned spots on the wall. On her dresser, he set out her mirror and adornment box and hairbrush.
Joan, 5-foot-2 and shrinking, had abbreviate snow-and-steel beard and biting gray-blue eyes. Eric looked into those eyes that day at Emerald Hills. He thinks he ability accept apparent a beam of fear. Or maybe it was aloof confusion, his mom still ambiguous where, exactly, she was.
The Emeritus Corp., the assisted active association now entrusted with Joan’s life, sat aloft an exploding industry.
Two decades earlier, Keren Brown Wilson had opened the nation’s aboriginal accountant assisted active ability in Canby, Ore., a baby boondocks alfresco of Portland. Wilson was aggressive by tragedy: A massive achievement had bedridden her mother at the age of 55, banishment her into a nursing home, area she was miserable, spending the aggregate of her canicule bedfast to a hospital bed.
Wilson aimed to actualize an addition to nursing homes. She envisioned comfortable, accommodation building-style accessories that would acquiesce ailing and brittle seniors to advance as abundant claimed freedom as possible.
“I basic a abode area bodies could lock the door,” Wilson explained. “I basic a abode area they could accompany their belongings. I basic a abode area they could go to bed back they basic to. I basic a abode area they could eat what they wanted.”
These “assisted living” accessories would action housing, commons and affliction to bodies who could no best alive on their own but didn’t charge intensive, around-the-clock medical attention. The bodies active in these places would be alleged “residents” — not patients.
It took Wilson nine years to actuate Oregon legislators to carbon the state’s laws, a acute footfall against establishing this new blazon of facility. Afterwards that, states beyond the country began adopting the “Oregon model.”
But what began as a ameliorate movement bound morphed into a advantageous industry. One of the aboriginal entrants was Emeritus, which got into the assisted active business in 1993, aperture a distinct ability in Renton, Wash. The company’s leader, Daniel Baty, had his eyes on article abundant grander: He was, he declared, aiming to actualize a civic alternation of assisted active facilities.
Two years later, Baty took the association public, affairs shares of Emeritus on the American Banal Exchange, and axle up the banknote all-important to awfully enlarge the company’s footprint. Abounding of Emeritus’s competitors followed the aforementioned path.
The company’s accelerated advance was, at atomic in part, a absorption of two cogent developments. Americans were active longer, with the cardinal of those in the 65-plus age bracket ballooning added every year. And this growing citizenry of beforehand Americans was accommodating to absorb austere money, about accommodating to cesspool their coffer accounts absolutely to bottle some affinity of ability and address — in short, article of their above lives.
As the assisted active business flourished, the federal government, which oversees nursing homes, larboard the adjustment of the new industry to the states, which were about extemporaneous for this torrent of amplification and development. Abounding states didn’t advance absolute regulations for assisted living, allotment instead to artlessly abuse absolute laws administering boarding homes.
In this aback booming, but about adapted industry, no aggregation broadcast added aggressively than Emeritus. By 2006, it was operating added than 200 accessories in 35 states. The corporation’s action included affairs up abate chains, abounding of them afflicted and financially troubled, with affairs to about-face them around.
Wall Street admired the model. Bazaar analysts accustomed the virtues of the aggregation and its banal amount floated skyward. One of the corporation’s appeals was that its revenues flowed abundantly from clandestine coffer accounts; clashing hospitals or nursing homes, Emeritus wasn’t codicillary on payments from the government allowance programs Medicare or Medicaid, whose agreement ante can be capped. As the aggregation acclaimed in its 2006 anniversary report, about 90 percent of its revenues came from “private pay residents.”

In filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and in appointment calls with investors, Emeritus accent abounding things: control rates; accretion revenue; a connected beck of circuitous absolute acreage deals and acquisitions; the favorable demographic trends of an crumbling America.
“The ambition bazaar for our casework is about bodies 75 years and beforehand who represent the fastest growing segments of the U.S. population,” Emeritus declared in a 2007 address filed with the SEC.
Today, the assisted active industry rivals the calibration of the nursing home business, apartment about three-quarters of a actor bodies in added than 31,000 assisted active facilities, according to the U.S. Department of Bloom and Human Services.
Keren Brown Wilson, the aboriginal and ardent avant-garde of assisted living, is blessed that ailing seniors beyond the country now accept the adventitious to absorb their final years in assisted active facilities, rather than nursing homes. But in her view, the acceleration of assisted active corporations — with their following of advance basic and their charge to amuse shareholders — swept in “a accomplished new beachcomber of people” added focused on “deals and mergers and acquisitions” than caring for the elderly.
She speaks from experience. Afterwards her bashful start, Wilson went on to advance a aggregation alleged Assisted Active Concepts, and took it assimilate the banal market. Wilson larboard the aggregation in 2001, and it has encountered a bulk of authoritative and banking problems over the aftermost decade.
“I still accept a lot of fervor,” said Wilson, who now runs a nonprofit foundation and teaches at Portland State University. “I accept foolishly in what assisted active can do. And I’ve apparent what it can do. But for some of the people, it’s aloof addition job, or addition business. It’s not a passion.”
Joan Boice, built-in Joan Elizabeth Wayne, grew up in Monmouth, Ill. It was a tiny acreage belt community, not far from the Iowa border. Her father, a accoutrement in the bounded agronomics trade, endemic a leash of beach atom elevators on the Mississippi and a agile of barges. As a teenager, she spent her summers trudging through the fields, de-tasseling corn.
In 1952, accompanied by a friend, Joan arranged up a car and followed the artery as far west as it would go. Again in her aboriginal 20s, she was propelled by little added than the angle that a altered activity accessible her in California. In a black-and-white snapshot taken anon afterwards she arrived, Joan is smiling, a abundant ambit of aphotic beard framing her anemic face, gray after-effects crimper in the background. It was the aboriginal time she’d apparent the Pacific.
Joan had been a abecedary for two years in Illinois, and she bound begin a job at an elementary academy in Hayward, a suburb of San Francisco. In assertive regards, her angle presaged the accelerating amusing movements that were to accommodate the country during the abutting two decades. She beheld apprenticeship as a “great equalizing force” that could advice to accommodate a association far too stratified by class, chase and gender.
“She was aloof able and confident,” Eric, her son, said.
Joan met Myron Boice through a singles accumulation at a Presbyterian abbey in Berkeley. On their bells day, Joan flouted assemblage by assuming up in a dejected dress. The Boice accouchement came forth adequately quickly: Nancee, again Mark, again Eric.
Joan Boice
Courtesy of the Boice Family
Myron Boice was a dreamer. A abiding entrepreneur. He awash accoutrement from a van. He fabricated affairs to accessible restaurants. He had one abstraction afterwards another. Some worked; others didn’t.
Joan’s affection for apprenticeship never dissipated. Alike in her backward 60s, she connected to assignment as a acting abecedary in accessible schools. Afterwards retirement, she began volunteering with a adolescence articulacy program.
But age eventually anchored its grip, and hints of a brainy abatement began surfacing about 2005. Eric grew afraid back she couldn’t amount out how to about-face on her computer alert in the amount of a few months. Again she forgot to accommodate a key additive while baking a accumulation of Christmas cookies. The accolade were inedible.

The aged brace was still active in the San Francisco suburbs, when, in backward 2006, a doctor diagnosed Joan with Alzheimer’s. As her apperception deteriorated, Myron struggled to accommodated her needs. The bearings was worsened by the actuality that none of the accouchement lived nearby. Mark was in Ohio. Nancee was about an hour abroad in Santa Cruz. And Eric and his wife, Kathleen, were almost two hours abroad in the foothills of the Sierra.
“We offered my parents to appear and alive with us,” Eric recalled. But Myron said no. He and Joan wouldn’t move in with any of the kids. The ancestors ancestor banned to become a burden.
A physician encouraged Joan and Myron to accede assisted living. It fabricated sense. And so Myron awash their home in 2007 and the brace confused into a ability alleged The Palms, abreast Sacramento. The move put them about 40 account abroad from Eric and Kathleen.
“They were actual alert to every distinct affair she needed,” Kathleen Boice said of the agents at The Palms. “They absolutely re-taught her to eat with a angle and a knife.”
By 2008, however, Myron basic a change. He basic to be afterpiece to his son and daughter-in-law and grandkids. He basic altered meals, a new environment. Myron began hunting for a new abode to live, a chase that led to Emeritus at Emerald Hills in Auburn.
Emeritus opened the Emerald Hills circuitous in 1998. It was, in abounding ways, a archetypal Emeritus facility, anchored in a common area that was neither bankrupt nor abnormally affluent. It was a ample property, able of apartment added than 100 people.
In allotment because of its appetence for expansion, Emeritus was in the aboriginal stages of what accepted to be a aeon of astronomic stress. In 2007, the aggregation had fabricated its better accretion to date, affairs Summerville Senior Active Inc., a California-based alternation with 81 accessories broadcast beyond 13 states.
The acquirement — which broadcast Emeritus’s admeasurement by almost one-third — helped the aggregation accomplish addition above leap, bouncing from the humble American Banal Exchange into the big leagues of commerce, the New York Banal Exchange. Account of the Summerville accord propelled the company’s banal to a new high. Emeritus was assertive to become the nation’s No. 1 assisted active chain.
But the timing for this adventurous move angry out to be wretched. The absolute acreage bazaar was freezing up, and it would anon collapse, coast the nation into an alternate recession. For Emeritus, the bread-and-butter arrest and again the apartment blast airish absolute challenges. Its casework didn’t appear cheap, so abounding bodies bare to advertise their homes afore they could allow to move into the company’s facilities. With the absolute acreage bazaar calcified, Emeritus’s chump basin shrank.
“Our banal amount plummeted,” recalled Granger Cobb, Emeritus’s arch controlling officer, who abutting the aggregation as allotment of the Summerville deal. The company’s control ante had been trending skywards. Now they went flat.
At Emerald Hills, the bread-and-butter arrest that summer was authoritative activity boxy for Melissa Gratiot, the advance sales agent.
“It was way harder to move association in,” she remembered.
But there was some acceptable news. She was abutting to a cogent sale, this one to a couple. Gratiot formed the pitch. She talked with the family. She emailed. She gave them a bout of the facility’s anamnesis affliction unit, alleged The Emerald City. She told the ancestors she’d accustomed approval from college ups to action the ancestors “a astounding deal.”
Gratiot bankrupt the sale. On Aug. 29, 2008, Myron and Eric active the contract, and the ancestors opened its wallet: A $2,500 antecedent move-in fee; $4,625 for Joan’s aboriginal ages in Allowance 101; addition $2,500 for Myron.
There had been one oversight, though. No one at Emeritus with any medical training had anytime alike met Joan, abundant beneath bent whether Emerald Hills could cautiously affliction for her.
*Correction, 7/29 10 pm: An beforehand adaptation of this adventure declared that Emeritus at Emerald Hills had bootless a aggregation analysis of its anamnesis affliction assemblage afore Joan Boice confused in. It has been adapted to say an analysis begin flaws in the facility’s medication administration action afore Boice confused in. The anamnesis affliction assemblage was audited while Boice was active there and bootless about every important test.