GOWNS and dresses that accept been sitting abandoned in the wardrobe, apprehension addition wear, can now be acclimated to accompany abundance to parents who lose their child.
SMALL COMFORT: Shannon Hourigan is calling on the Border association to accord dresses for angel babies. Picture: TARA BELL
Barooga woman Shannon Hourigan has been alive to accompany Angel Gowns for Australian Angel Babies to the Border area.
The abstraction is for bodies to accord added dresses acclimated for a wedding, debutante, christening, formal or worn by a bridesmaid.
Volunteers use the actual to create small gowns for stillborn babies or breed who die before one year of age.
Mrs Hourigan will authority a donation declivity at Sumsion Gardens, Wodonga, on Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm.

She acquaint on Border Facebook pages and said she had been absolute abroad by the generous response from the community.
Already up to 10 bodies accept offered to accord gowns and dresses and one woman has abounding out a advance anatomy to be Albury-Wodonga's point of contact.
Mrs Hourigan said amid 12 and 20 angel gowns could be fabricated from a distinct dress.
“I anticipation I'd get four or so gowns, but it's axis out to be added like 20,” she said.
“You can appoint which hospital you'd like the gowns to go to contrarily they are beatific about Australia breadth they are needed.”

There are 4.49 deaths for every 1000 alive bearing babies each year in Australia.
About 1750 babies are still built-in and 850 babies die beneath 28 days.
Mrs Hourigan said she had been knitting babyish blankets and wanted to advice a charity.
Now she is ambulatory the troops to get a solid advance and donation abject on the Border.
“I’ve had abutting accompany lose babies and there's not a lot you can do to advice them,” she said.

“We achievement to accord anniversary ancestors who needs an angel clothes aloof one moment of peace, adulation and abutment as they dress their babyish to absorb some adored time calm afore they accept to say goodbye for the aftermost time.”
Gowns are fabricated into appropriate bales with a wrap, beanie or beanie, handmade booties, a blanket and a emblem anamnesis gift.
They are delivered to hospitals, burial homes or anon to families for free.
Mrs Houraigan said the alms is particularly in charge of postal satchels, stamps, volunteers and added items including needles, cilia and yarn.
“I was acquisitive to get some seamstresses, knitters, crocheters and an breadth representative,” she said.

For added advice acquaintance Mrs Hourigan via email at angelgownsaustralianbabiesshannonhourigan@hotmail.com or visit angelgowns.org.au.