Oh my!
Tyler, the Architect is never one to shy abroad from altercation in cogent the apple how he feels — and that's already afresh accurate by his new shirt bashing Donald Trump!
Related: Wait, Trump's Own Kids Won't Vote For Him?!
The rapper has been alive on his Golf Wang appearance line, and on Sunday, he acquaint a examination of the shirt in catechism — a appearance account that is REALLY adamantine on The Donald!

Ch-ch-check out the NSFW shirt (below)!!
Related: Kirstie Alley Endorsed Trump For President!
Tyler… can you acquaint us how U absolutely feel?! Ha!!!
We can aloof apprehend the absolute acreage mogul's articulation now… The haters are authoritative shirts about me… I'm YUGE on shirts… the shirts can't authority me down, because the bodies adulation me! I poll actual awful with bodies who abrasion shirts!
What do U anticipate of the shirt?! It'll abiding get a reaction!!
[Image via Emelie Andersson/Rob Rich/WENN.]
Tags: business blitz, controversy, crazzzzy, donald trump, fashion, appearance smashion, instagram, new design, new fashion, politik, shirt, t-shirt, tyler the creator, viral: news
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