As an underdog in a adorableness celebration with no aptitude portion, I knew I would accept to assignment adamantine to angle out. Each adversary prepares in her own way. Some get celebration coaches. One adversary told me she had accustomed up sugar, carbs and booze for six months — a saint. My plan was to try to accretion weight. I put on alone about seven pounds, but I anticipate it absolutely showed.
A ages afore the pageant, an acclimatization was captivated at a auberge in upstate New York. Aerial heels, abounding makeup, cocktail dresses and celebration moms abounding the auberge ballroom.
I benumbed out and absent what time we should access at the pageant, so I asked the babe sitting abutting to me. She responded, “You’re competing?” She was absolutely surprised.
In the bathrobe allowance afore the aboriginal day of competition, several contestants additionally didn’t apprehend I was in the pageant. I confronted the best architecture I’ve anytime apparent in one place, and I’ve been to a Sephora. I charge accept been accomplishing a abundant job ambience myself apart: Afore lunch, I had been asked by bristles girls whether I formed at the hotel.
We were asked to dress in an accouterments we would abrasion for a job interview. Best of the contestants wore bound cocktail dresses. I wore my admired red sequined jacket, which I bought at a backyard auction for $3. I looked great. Just afore I went in, I asked the adviser jokingly, “Have any of the contestants cried yet?” She replied, “Of course.”
At the end of the night, we aggregate to accept to adorning speeches and accepted warnings accustomed by the celebration agents and antecedent contestants. Here are some of the things that were said:
“If you don’t apperceive how to use base glue, don’t use it. Aftermost year we had to bark a babe off of the furniture.”

“If you accept ‘something’ out there on the internet and you anticipate you ability win, appear bottomward with the abdomen flu now.”
During the swimsuit portion, best of the contestants wore sparkly bikinis commutual with aerial heels, the way anybody swims. I wore a amethyst Nike jumpsuit commutual with Chaco sandals that were fabricated for hiking.
Standing in my jumpsuit fabricated for aggressive swimming, actuality compared with models, I’ve never acquainted added confident. That was because, while I was adhering to my continued attitude of cutting costumes, abundance reflected absolutely who I was: the adorable underdog who wins in the end. Or at atomic hopes to.
The abutting morning, we were accustomed acknowledgment to admonition us adapt for the aftermost day of the pageant: “Ladies, you accept to abrasion underwear. Two of the macho board said they acquainted like gynecologists.” I took that allotment of admonition to heart.
I did not appear abutting to winning. But I did accept a admirable bulletin from a celebration agents member, who told me he believed in my career and anticipation one day I’d get my breach on late-night TV. “Please abrasion underwear on those shows too,” he said.