Thelma And Louise Fancy Dress
Rheta Grimsley Johnson Published 3:34 a.m. CT Aug. 12, 2015
Rheta Grimsley Johnson(Photo: Advertiser file)Buy Photo
You should apperceive that I accept this affair about continued alley trips with a turnaround planned but not accomplished until there are a lot of detours and meanderings and acceptable music that doesn’t crave a ticket. I’m overdue.
My friend, Sandy, additionally needs a breach and a affecting change of scenery. We’re announcement it as the Thelma and Louise trip, admitting we’re acquisitive to accept a happier catastrophe than those women. We’re axis about in New Mexico, not aerial over a bluff captivation easily — at least, not intentionally. Just in case, we’re active a rental car.
I’ve been cerebration a lot about why “girl” trips are in some means the best trips of all. I’ll be accused of sexism here, but I’ve been accused of worse. What is it we females do that males assume butterfingers of enjoying?
We talk, for one thing. We don’t drive hundreds of afar after uttering a distinct word. We use a affectionate of autograph that every woman animate knows, but, alike so, it takes a lot of words to say all the things we’ve been extenuative up to acquaint addition who’s alike hardly interested.
We comedy our music loud. You cannot adore Lucinda Williams, for instance, as accomplishments noise. She has to accept the attic back her blatant balladry begins. That’s the time to shut up, and so we do, usually because we’re so beat from ceaseless talking.
We don’t plan trips about food. We eat, for sure, but some adorned restaurant in some boondocks is not the destination. Spending lots of money on aliment is a waste, and best women apperceive that. We save ours for asinine souvenirs.
So, we backpack a cooler. What’s the use of advantageous a booth $10 for a amazon sandwich back you can accomplish your own?
["388"]We get absent and don’t mind. Back we get lost, we ask directions. Then we avoid the directions. Because we’re hopelessly absent by now we see things we couldn’t ahead and wouldn’t accept apparent otherwise. Accepting absent is allotment of a alley trip’s appeal.
We don’t accomplish auberge reservations, unless it’s unavoidable. How can you apperceive back you’ll appetite to stop, or, conversely, back you’ll appetite to accumulate active into the night singing forth with the music? What if you see a accurate teepee in New Mexico, and you appetite to break there but accept anxiety at some arid Holiday Inn up the road? That doesn’t appear back you are flexible, which best traveling men are not.
We beam till our stomachs hurt. It’s OK to beam at nothing. Annihilation can be funny.
We backpack things we don’t need. I’m taking, for instance, a log I won’t address in, a swimsuit I won’t wear, some aerial heels that aching my anxiety and a dress two sizes too small. The acumen on the closing is that I may lose weight on this cruise not centered about food. Well, it could happen.
We boutique for camp things. Not that anybody has any added money for this accurate trip, but if we see some beasts beacon horns and anticipate they ability attending acceptable on the awning of the rental car, we ability indulge.
We allocution about our trips for years to anyone who’ll listen, thereby accepting our money’s account out of any travel. Did I acknowledgment photographs? Else, cipher will accept the fun we had.
See you later, boys.
Rheta Grimsley Johnson best contempo book is “Hank Hung the Moon … And Warmed Our Cold, Cold Hearts.” Comments are accustomed at rhetagrimsley@aol.com.
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