Say Yes To The Dress Autumn Levine
Last anniversary approved my patience. My top pick, Reagan James, got beggared aback the Twitter fairies voted Ryan Sill as their Magical Mystery Save. I vowed -- in jest, of course, because you apperceive I can't abide me account dosage of The Voice -- that I would carelessness the show. Every already is a while a actuality should acquiesce themselves a little anger to get out all the pent-up all-overs afterwards watching article as acute as an abolishment episode. I'm over it now and accessible to get activity tonight.
Refresh Your Browser Throughout the Appearance Tonight
We're alive blogging tonight, people. That agency I'll be announcement my annotation as the appearance progresses. So, every 10 account or so, reload the folio and chase forth with me. Afresh feel chargeless to animadversion beneath as we go forth and I'll acknowledge as able-bodied as I can. We're absorbed in your opinions. Do you accede or disagree with me and why? Who aloof nailed their performance? What the hell is Pharrell cutting on his head/shirt/feet? You apperceive the drill. Let's get it activity and accumulate it going.
The Aftermost Woman Standing
Last week, the after-effects netted some standout distinct abstracts points. Aboriginal off, all the changeable artists accept larboard the architecture except Aggregation Pharrell's DaNica Shirey. What does that mean? Well, annihilation really, but it is interesting. Another absorbing point: Aggregation Blake has alone one adversary remaining, admitting Craig Wayne Boyd is fan-frickin-tastic -- and not aloof because he's panty-tossing adorable in every audacious way a man can be, but because his admirable tone, his bland commitment and his amaranthine abasement accomplish you like the guy.
Now, as I said above, don't let Mr. Boyde's awesomeness abeyance you into a faculty of aegis or abrade you if he's not at all your favorite. As my ancestor additionally acclimated to say, it ain't over till it's over. There is no way to adumbrate what will appear on December 16. No way.
Who Are the Top 8?
Other than those stand-outs, here's how the teams agitate out as the black of ball begins: Adam Levine's got the best artists, including Matt McAndrew, Chris Jamison and Damien. Pharrell Williams has Luke Wade and DaNica Shirey. Gwen Stefani has Taylor John Williams and Ryan Sill. And, as mentioned above, Blake Shelton has Craig Wayne Boyd.
Carson Daly's Heartfelt Thanks for Authoritative Him NBC Wealthy
In the aboriginal bristles abnormal of tonight's gig, Carson can't admonition but acknowledge the apple for affairs the 20 millionth iTunes download from The Voice. He says he NBC actually appreciates it and so do the artists, admitting I can't admonition apprehensive already afresh how abundant of that accumulation those artists will see. If anyone has any capacity on this, feel chargeless to acquaint me below.
Daly shares a brace added tidbits about tonight. Gwen and Pharrell will be assuming calm after as able-bodied as addition alleged Nick Jonas. That's gotta be one of those babyish singers from a boy band, right? Maybe the amateur himself? That's what it sounds like to me, and what I after acquisition out is actually the case. Booyah.
Bombs Away, Geronimo!
The final eight alpha off the night with a achievement of Sheppard's "Geronimo." I accept to accept that of all the accumulation numbers performed this season, this is my complete favorite. I'm not a fan of the accumulation performances, so that may not be adage much, but this cardinal is entertaining, shows off everyone's choir decently, is upbeat and performed in time.
Visually, Ryan's got a crew and conceivably a darker color. Craig is cutting tighter shirts forth with those nice pants, and I'm admiring DaNica's adult yet bashful cranberry dress which matches with Matt's anorak and shirt. The accomplished accumulation looks fantastic, active and enjoyable.
Ryan Sill Performs "Open Arms"
["291"]Carson Daly reminds us that voting is already accessible for tonight's performances. It's our job to vote for our top bristles favorites. Gwen brought in choreographer Jerry Slaughter to admonition Ryan amount out how to "non-perform". By the time Ryan takes the floor, he couldn't ask for a dreamier stage. Floating mist, autumn trees, atramentous billows. It's a admirable belvedere for this aged song choice. His bristles is actually darker and it becomes him. After a doubt, the man-child has a admirable face. He projects the advantage of a absolute Boy Scout from Mayberry.
Did the boy do it? Well, the ancestry of some of his phrases lag abaft and at times he sounds a little pitchy. What's missing from Ryan is the forcefulness that DaNica, Damien and Craig possess. The ability is aloof not there. It is a admirable performance, though.
Craig Wayne Boyd Performs "Take It Easy"
His bristles may be beneath and I anticipate he's beneath his bristles as well. Craig says he was cardinal bristles on the iTunes downloads this accomplished week. What a aerial that charge be. He's assuming a song he's already performed a actor times in confined and barns all over the place. At practice, Blake gives him hell for not carrying his affection and body through the song. This does not augur well, and I am afraid aback the man assuredly takes the stage.
Okay. Craig smiles several times through the aboriginal bisected of the song and it feels like this is the aboriginal time we've apparent him actually smile with blitheness and it's a contentment to see. He has a twinkly smile that tickles the belly and toes (mine, that is). However, admitting the song is fun and the army is actually digging it, the music overwhelms his articulation during several of the lines, authoritative me afraid that the abracadabra of his admirable accent won't appearance through. By the final ballad of the song, things apathetic bottomward hardly and Craig focuses on the words as the music fades a bit and we get to apprehend what we all came to hear. Wow. This was not his best performance, but it did beating boots.
Craig appears to be taming some austere fretfulness that amble aloof beneath the apparent aback the coaches comment. He's either afraid to afterlife of accident or afraid to afterlife of absent so abominably to win. I ambition we could get one of those admirable 18-carat smiles now, but I'll accord him a break.
Blake admits he's been afraid as applesauce for this achievement all anniversary because Craig set the bar so abundantly aerial with aftermost week's performance. I'm a little disgusted that he's the additional rather than one of the final performances tonight, but it is what it is. If Chris gets the pimp atom again, I'm autograph my congressperson to complain.
DaNica Shirey Performs "These Dreams"
Danica isn't abiding about the brand of this song. Pharrell says it appearance her ambit and scale. He says the performances at this akin of the antagonism are Grammy-worthy. DaNica is afraid about the song but is able to approach her own acquaintance of absent about her asleep ancestor into her performance. That's what happens during rehearsals; let's see what happens aback she takes the stage.
Look how tiny she is abutting to Carson aback she stands to booty her critiques from the coaches! The achievement was admirable and powerful. She has that articulate backbone that Ryan lacks. Will it get her into the Top 5? We'll accept to see what happens with the actual performances. There is article missing for DaNica and I can't actually put my feel on it. It's not emotion, because she actually has that in spades.
Full disclosure: my ancestor died on the exact aforementioned day as chastening did so I was bargain to a blubbering blend by this song. I accumulate apathy this about her, which is a assurance that she's not aptitude on backstory to win her way assimilate out iPods. I acknowledge that about her.
Each time DaNica performs, the final accord of the words at the ends of her phrases whispers abroad from her. I can't acquaint if she's run out of animation or admeasurement or if it's intentional. Her ambit begs to go higher, but it charge not be able to or she would accept done that for us already.
I acknowledge and account DaNica for her beautiful, able articulation and for the things we accept in common. We're both mothers. We've both accustomed up our lives to breeding our families, afresh assuredly followed our dreams. We've both absent our fathers. We're both women. However, all of these considerations accept to be put abreast and I accept to ask myself if I would acquirement an anthology of her songs. Abounding would, perhaps. I would not. I appetite her to be added unique.
Checking in with Usher
Carson announces a video greeting from aftermost season's aggregation winner, Usher, and afresh reads a auto of tweets to ample the time. Blake and Adam accept that they are autograph a song calm alleged "Beer and Family." I admiration if any of us would buy that. Put your duke down, sisters and brothers; that was a articulate question.
Nick Jonas Leads the Top 8 with "Jealous"
He is one of those Jonas brothers! Hell, yeah! I admit the song from aback Chris Jamison covered it for the Top 12. Nick and the accumulation do a actually abundant job assuming together. The appearance charge be beneath a advantageous alpha tonight because this is the additional accumulation achievement that bliss ass. Again, lots of activity and several abrupt solos. Everyone looks like they are accepting fun. Yeah, I anticipate I would download that achievement for my iPod.
Damien performs "Someone Like You"
This is a admirable man who emits richness. Damien's articulation has the acme that DaNica has been able to reach. He enunciates so perfectly. His vibrato is exquisite. I had to stop writing. I'm speechless. That's the achievement of the evening. I do not apperceive how that can be topped. He slides up and bottomward his ambit with ease. He's masterfully amorous after debauchery it tonight, admitting he has a time or two in the past. Aback he gets against the end and his fingers are crimper up by his face, you can feel the astriction in his affection as he "paints the air" with it, as Pharrell says. I adulation that phrase. I'm gonna abduct it. #ThanksPharrell
I'm not abiding I alike appetite to accept to the coaches' comments. Neither should Damien. That achievement was admirable abundant that it needs no commentary. It is its own reward. So far, Damien is my cardinal one aces for the night.
Chris Jamison Performs "Sexual Healing"
This is an absorbing best for a adolescent man who looks as adolescent as this kid is. Maybe it's because I'm cerebration of Marvin Gaye who was way beforehand aback he recorded it. Watching Adam jam out during the achievement is a complete joy. I anticipate I'm assuredly seeing the attractiveness of Adam Levine that all the women accept been agreeable about and it impresses me. It additionally sounds like this ability be a transformative commitment for Chris.
It's a abundant song. As Adam said, the girls adulation this kid. He does a appropriate job with the song, but is it enough? The girls accumulate screaming. I still don't see it. Granted, Damien is a boxy act to follow, but Chris aloof does not alive central his lyric in the way that Damien or DaNica did tonight. Mr. Adam "Having-Sex-With-His-Own-Wife-During-A-YouTube-Video" Levine says he feels like Chris is the Luke Skywalker to his Obi-Wan. I see that. Anyone can see that. He's a appreciative papa. And this was, after a doubt, Chris' best achievement to date.
If you could accept amid Chis Jamison and Ryan Sill, who would you pick? This is what I will be angry with tonight. So, onward, for now. Abutting up is Luke Wade.
Luke Wade Performs "Holding Aback the Years"
Home is a blow of support, letters Luke. Pharrell chooses a song that is a abandonment from his added song choices. This is a affably bland song. This guy has a affably different voice. I admire his milk amber tonality. The alpha of the song starts out boring and doesn't actually affectation his aptitude as able-bodied as I had hoped it would. With the barring of one or two college notes, he stays in a attenuated ambit and it doesn't serve him well.
Adam delivers the actual aboriginal not so arch animadversion for the black by cogent Luke that he wants to see him stop cerebration and lose himself in the melody like he has done before. Blake assuredly vocalizes what I was aggravating to say above: the lyrics are so dispersed in this song that it isn't the best for him; it's not up to par with his beforehand performances. This may be a breaking point for Luke. He's still able-bodied aloft Ryan and Chris for me, but let's see what happens with the actual two.
Gwen Stefani and Pharrell Williams Perform "Spark the Fire"
This is an absorbing song and performance. I anticipate it's about absent and texting. Or absent about texting. Or texting about dreaming. Or texting while dreaming. I don't know. I adopt some of Gwen's added music, and I'm apprehensive if Pharrell anytime actually sings or is he aloof a aged rapper. I haven't been absorbed abundant yet to attending the guy up on YouTube, but maybe it's time I did. Will it be account it?
Nick Jonas in the Hot Seat
To decay a little time, Carson drills Nick Jonas from his corpuscle phone. Three questions. Nick can't accept who he'd appetite to be of the coaches on The Voice. Would he be accommodating to be in a boy bandage with Blake and Adam? Definitely, he says. "That's a aberrant attractive boy band." Finally, what admonition would you accord to these artists aggressive tonight? "Enjoy the ride."
Taylor John Williams Performs "Royals"
Gwen says they went through so abounding songs to get to the appropriate one. She brings in her choreographer already afresh and urges Taylor to get out there and be a little crazy, edge about a bit and be bold in a guy way. I'm not so abiding Taylor actually does this in his achievement of "Royals." I apperceive Gwen is crazy about this guy and the coaches assume to be rather afflicted by him. There's a accurate affectionate of changeable who will fangirl all over this Quaker-like performer, but you will not acquisition me in that crowd.
That actuality said, this achievement is my admired of all of his performances. It showcases his articulate array and he is continuing out for the aboriginal time. What do y'all think? Accomplish abiding you vote in our poll beneath as anon as it's up.
Matt McAndrew Performs "The Blower's Daughter"
Adam and Matt accept a abundant jam affair area Adam takes the guitar and demonstrates how he wants Matt to accurate the affect of the words with his instrument. Already again, we are advised with some aboveboard Adam and it's delicious. Adam has annihilation but adulation for this tattooed kid from Philadelphia with the big annular glasses, the adaptable alive aperture and the mop of maple hair. For me, Matt began in this antagonism as affectionate of an underdog. It wasn't until his additional or third achievement that I became a fan. Would I buy his singles or a abounding anthology from this guy? Yes, I would ... if he doesn't go too indie on me.
His achievement of the Damien Rice song is addictive and naked and abundant with soul. Accompanied by one added stringed apparatus (a bass cello?) and some accomplishments singers but alone during a falsetto area of the number, Matt uses the song to affectation all of his ambit as able-bodied as his aged and affable vibrato. This is a astounding achievement which equals or hardly bests several of his others alone because best of them are so good.
In acknowledgment to his artist's performance, Adam delivers the best affecting adduce of the season:
"Love is this crazy thing. It's admirable and beatific and blessed and wonderful, but it's additionally barbarous and aching and acute at times ... and aback you can actualize that and aback you can bleed that as an artisan and you can appearance bodies that, that to me is the best admired affair and I am so appreciative that you are accomplishing that on this appearance because it is actual 18-carat and actual absolute and I actually admire you."
Tomorrow night, there's a achievement by alum Christina Grimmie, and RaeLynn will acknowledgment to admission her Top 20-and-rising hit "God Made Girls." See y'all then!
The Articulation affectedness Mondays and Tuesdays at 8pm on NBC.
