Gul Ahmed Kids Dress
Gul Ahmed, 38, of Levittown was arrested May 18 and answerable with Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, Welfare Artifice in the Second Degree and three counts of Offering a False Instrument for Filing, Nassau Canton District Attorney Kathleen Rice appear Thursday.
Ahmed blanket added than $107,000 in disproportionate Medicaid allowances amid July 2002 and October 2009, Rice said. Ahmed claimed that his assets was amid $375 and $600 per week, aback in absoluteness he deposited added than $756,000 into his claimed coffer annual during that time.
Ahmed is one of eight bodies from Long Island and Queens who were answerable afresh in a ambit by the District Attorney's Accessible Abetment Artifice Unit, the Nassau Canton Department of Social Services and the Bloom and Human Services Medicaid Investigations Unit. Those arrested are answerable with collectively burglary added than $297,000 in disproportionate Medicaid and accessible abetment benefits.
"The accountability on every honest aborigine weighs added aback bodies corruption government abetment programs," Rice said. "My appointment will abide to assignment with our ally in accompaniment and bounded government to find, arrest, and captive those who abduct from a healthcare arrangement advised to assure the best accessible associates of our society."
Medicaid provides chargeless accessible bloom allowance to added than 40 actor low-income individuals throughout the country, and it is adjourned by federal, accompaniment and canton governments. Restitution from artifice cases is alternate to the allotment agencies, with about 25 percent activity to the accompaniment and addition 25 percent activity to the bounded county.
If convicted, Ahmed faces up to 15 years in prison. He is due aback in cloister July 21 and is represented by Kerry Katsorhis, Esq.


