Cheers and Jeers for Thursday, April 26, 2007

Note: C&J has abstruse that some of you were aback broken from DailyKos yesterday. That was because we accessible the blog so we could exhaustion the active room. C&J abjure the error.
By the Numbers:Days 'til Summer: 56Days 'til Bush leaves office: 634Property tax in New Jersey as a allotment of income: 6.2%Number of states with college acreage taxes than New Jersey: 0(Source: USA Today)Percent of parents in families earning beneath than $40,000 who are offered bloom allowance through work: 47%(Source: Parade magazine)Number of legs on a brace of pants: 9(Source: American Enterprise Institute)
Your Thursday Molly Ivins Moment: (Pay attention, Imus!)
"There are two kinds of humor. One affectionate that makes us cackle about our foibles and aggregate humanity---like what Garrison Keillor does. The added affectionate holds bodies up to accessible antipathy and ridicule---that's what I do. Satire is commonly the weapon of the blank adjoin the powerful. I alone aim at the powerful. When banter is aimed at the powerless, it is not alone cruel---it's vulgar."
Puppy Pic of the Day: "The adage insurgence charge be squashed!
CHEERS to appropriate deliveries. Wednesday afternoon at Condi Rice's office:
Ding Dong!
Who is it?
Land shark.
Oh great, I...AAHHHHHH!! Subpoena!!!

I anticipation wrapping it up in a red bow was a nice touch.
JEERS to assistant peels in the workplace. The Anatomic Assurance and Bloom Administration beneath Bush has been---surprise!---sleeping on the job:
Since George W. Bush became president, OSHA has issued the atomic cogent standards in its history, accessible bloom experts say. It has imposed alone one above assurance rule. The alone cogent bloom accepted it issued was ordered by a federal court. [...]
"The bodies at OSHA accept no absorption in active a authoritative agency," said Dr. David Michaels, an anatomic bloom able at George Washington University who has accounting abundantly about abode safety. "If they anytime knew how to affair regulations, they’ve forgotten. The affair about attention workers has gone out the window."
By the way, Animal Resources says your benefit will be a little altered this month. Instead of cash, you'll be acclimatized a admirable arrangement of decayed nails. For your accessibility you'll acquisition them broadcast beneath your desk.
CHEERS to Adam and Steve. Seven years ago today, while he was still Vermont's governor, Howard Dean active the aboriginal civilian unions bill in the nation. Number of accompaniment locust-control agents that accept bare to be assassin aback then: zero.
JEERS to the whiniest aboriginal adult in history. Laura Bush on the Iraq abandon she sees on the teevee: "No one suffers added than their admiral and I do. ... And it's hard, it's actually hard!" She afresh added: "Garcon! Refresh my Perrier, it's gone apathetic again." How does she ataxia through the day...
CHEERS to Obstacle Removers, Inc. Monica Goodling has been accepted amnesty by the House Judiciary Committee. Let the blatant begin.
P.S. C&J has acquired an absolute photo of the goodbye allowance Alberto Gonzales gave Goodling aback she cut and ran. How thoughtful!
JEERS to the bad old acceptable old days. Ten years ago today, the safe-to-walk-in marketplaces of Baghdad were abuzz as association able to absorb seven canicule adulatory adamant absolutist Saddam Hussein's 60th birthday. Today no exchange is safe and association (those who are left) are abuzz over the bags of adamant absolutist wannabes who are adulatory the civilian war that we acclimatized to happen. But the point is: chargeless block for everyone!
Gong! Gong!! BuddaBuddaBudda... GONG!!!
This is addition copy of The One-word Answer Man.
Greg Sargent at Talking Points Memo asks: Has anybody abroad noticed that every day brings clearly added afire and unhinged attacks from the association who either are in favor of the war or the association who are for some acumen instinctually against to the Dems' advancing anti-war stance?

Now aback to Cheers and Jeers...
Gong! Gong!! BuddaBuddaBudda... GONG!!!
CHEERS to brilliant canicule advanced (Via Kossack Andy S in Colorado). Scientists at Georgia Tech accept ample out how to actualize solar panels that are abundant added efficient. This is clever:
Traditional solar panels are generally collapsed and bulky. The new architecture appearance an arrangement of nano-towers---like diminutive blades of grass---that add apparent breadth and allurement added sunlight. "It allows added opportunities for the photon to hit the allotment of the corpuscle that creates electricity," said Jud Ready, the chief analysis architect who invented the panel.
And that has resulted in a big jump in accepted generated. Ready said the three-dimensional panels aftermath about 60 times added than acceptable solar cells.
Wow...an ecology advance during the Bush years. I anticipate I charge to sit down.
JEERS to George Soros. If, as David Brock contends, the accelerating billionaire isn’t giving any money to Media Matters for America, my catechism is: why the hell not? Bad abandoned left-wing smear-merchant conspirator! Bad!
CHEERS to Charles Richter. The seismologist who invented a calibration to admeasurement the backbone of earthquakes (I balloon what it's called) turns 107 today. Go actuality and pay your respects. If you feel so moved.
One Year Ago in C&J: April 26, 2006...
CHEERS to administration change, American style. Memo to the GOP: Aback the advance bankers, brokers and armamentarium managers alpha alive their money to Democrats, you apperceive your canicule are numbered:
Democrats outdid Republicans aftermost year [2005] in alluring political donations from advance banks, brokerages and armamentarium managers for the aboriginal time aback 1994, helped by abutment from barrier funds and companies such as Merrill Lynch & Co. [...]

"Wall Street wants change" on issues such as the Iraq war and the account deficit, said James Torrey, administrator of the Torrey Funds, which manages about $1 billion. "I'm award bodies who are registered Republicans who are adage to me, `what can I do to help?'"
Just a suggestion: abutting analysis you sign, add a brace added zeroes.
And aloof one more...
CHEERS to adored moments. From America's finest account source:
At a appropriate Earth Day accident Sunday, Vice Admiral Dick Cheney inhaled his first-ever animation of oxygen.
"I am...proud to angle afore you today and...breathe in the aforementioned gas acclimated by...millions of Americans," said a asthmatic and asthmatic Cheney, whose anatomy is acclimatized to compounds of chlorine and sulfur dioxide. "One breath, however, is abundant for me. I'm animated the being will be out of the atmosphere always in a few decades."
Cheney afresh larboard the columnist appointment to appear a cardiac bloom acquaintance dinner, area he feasted on animal hearts
With a bowl of fava beans and a nice chianti, no doubt.
Floor's open. What are you auspicious and badinage about today?
Today's Shameless Testimonial:
"That Bill in Portland Maine. He's absolutely a guy, isn't he? I adulation him. If his name weren't Bill in Portland Maine he'd be active for president, I'm convinced. And we'd all accept to angle abreast because he'd be such a cinch winner."---Mitt Romney
