On Dec. 3, Launch Accouterment Store, in East Hartford, hosted a anniversary pop-up boutique area Juliana Opoku from Ghana showcased her clothes.
"I get my fabrics from Ghana. The fabrics are cheaper," said Opoku.
All of Opoku's accouterment has African book congenital into it.
"That's my heart," said Opoku. "I aloof adulation African print, and I aloof appetite to advance it. It's such a beautiful, affluent fabric."
Opoku said she's consistently admired fashion, anytime back she was a little babe in Ghana.
"I would go to the market, get my secondhand clothes, cut them, again fit them to fit my style," said Opoku.
Opoku said she makes the clothes at her house, but she's not the alone one authoritative them. She has accompany who are seamstresses, and her brother-in-law makes shoes and bags, but all of the designs appear from her.
Opoku doesn't accept her own shop, but she can be begin on Etsy at www.etsy.com/shop/julianaoklothings, or in pop-up shops.
The Launch Accouterment Store, area the pop-up boutique was held, opened in September of this year. It's run by Rashidi Waite, with the advice of his mother, Marcia Whittingham. The abundance focuses on burghal accoutrement that they get alien from New York.
"You'll see a lot of the sweatshirts that the adolescent bodies will wear," said Whittingham. "We accept jeans, button shirts, sports caps, snapback hats. I've been authoritative baskets for the holidays."
Whittingham said they backpack different items, so bodies may appetite to analysis them out afore branch to the malls.
"You won't necessarily acquisition what you see actuality at the mall, and you don't accept to action the cartage and crowds," said Whittingham.
Selling T-shirts is what led Waite to accessible his own store.
"Out here, they're consistently gonna charge clothes," said Waite. "I was aloof like, ability as able-bodied try it account I'm already affairs T-shirts; I already capital to alpha authoritative T-shirts with designs. I could've started online, but I like to be hands-on."
Waite and his mother acquiesce for bodies to advertise their own articles at the store. Waite said he's consistently accessible to discussion.