We accept been chatting a bit in the appointment about the candor of the “First Dog brand”. What a agglomeration of wankers we are. The affair is that if we put Kevin Rudd’s cat on too abounding bum bags, or stick Darrin the pikestaff toad on too abounding beer coasters, it ability (might) accept the aftereffect of devaluing the inherent wondefulness of aggregate I do because I am actuality forced, adjoin my will, to pimp it all out on tea towels, amber confined and sex toys. Disclaimer: I absolutely adulation merchandise. I adulation added people’s commodity and now that I am added famouser than before, I adulation that I can accept my own merchandise. Warren the Water Buffalo cafeteria boxes (with Thermos) and Christopher Pyne bathmats (part of a beyond band of First Dog homewares) are still beneath construction.

My commodity approval aphorism is a simple one.
Is it funny?
For example…

Christmas Cards? Funny.
Tea Towels? Hilarious.
T-Shirts? Champagne Comedy!
Calendars? Quick, get me to the roflspital.

Mouse pads? No, they are not funny. I do not apperceive why. I do not accept of abrasion pads.
So actuality – to add to the actualization that I am anxious alone with earning bleared bags of banknote is a account of this years top affairs t-shirts!
Hooray for me.
(Actually we don’t accomplish abundant money off the t-shirts, the best allowance is on the Calendars but they are BEAUTIFUL so what can you do? You can buy one that is what)

This years top affairs First Dog bodice is:
And in adjustment of acceptance are the rest:
And assuredly – this one was HUGE! But not absolutely a First Dog shirt.
And it is Australia’s abundant abashment that this shirt has not awash thousands!