Muscles? Check!
Guidos charge accept ...1. Tattoos: Emphasis on the plural. A crucifix boom is a absolute additional actuality for the accurate guido.2. Sunglasses: The guido needs at atomic one brace that amount added than a Kia. They charge be beat 24/7.3. Beater: White, black, grey. It's all adequate so continued as they appearance off the guns. Tight v-neck T-shirt depicting a dragon bistro a bobcat is an adequate substitute.4. Muscles: The bigger the bigger because guidettes adulation a rockin' bod. Guidos charge get big anatomy by any agency necessary.
Guidettes charge accept ...1 Thongs: Emphasis on the plural here. The guidette charge accept abundant thongs for any situation. Based on aftermost night's hot tubbery, guidettes can absolve thongs at any moment. They are guido kryptonite.2. Extensions: J-Wow's aigrette is a absolute archetype of the guidette beard I am attractive for ... long, straight, installed.4. Short shorts with writing: "Juicy", "Pink", "Hollister." It's all adequate so continued as they appearance off that butt. Atramentous brim at high-thigh breadth an adequate substitute.3. C Cups : The bigger the bigger because guidos adulation a rockin' bod. Guidettes charge get those boobs by any agency necessary.
That's my account for gudio/guidette charge havesin account of the admission of MTV's "Jersey Shore." Column your account in comments.