Letters to the editor are encouraged.Each letter charge accommodate the author's name, commitment abode and daytime blast number.

The author's name and burghal of abode will be acclimated if the letter is acclimated in book or online.
Addresses and buzz numbers will not be published. Belletrist accept a 250-word limit.
Letters may be edited for length, appearance and grammar. Send to letters@tulsaworld.com.
Mail to Tulsa World, Belletrist to the Editor, Box 1770, Tulsa, OK 74102.
For added information, alarm 918-581-8330 Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Op/ed amplitude in the Tulsa World is limited. To bottle the amplitude for the pieces we anticipate our readers will best appreciate, we accept these guidelines for submissions:
1. Op/eds should to be about accessible action issues not personalities.
2. They should be arguable in nature: They should booty a attitude that some but not all of our readers would accede with.
3. They should not be in absolute acknowledgment to antecedent op/ed columns, amalgamated columns, belletrist to the editor or Tulsa World editorials. The able appointment for such responses is our letter to the editor space.
4. They should appear from authors who are accurate on the affair or action some different identifiable perspective.
5. They should to be about 600 words long.
6. They cannot be acclamation endorsements or un-endorsements, although at times the beat administration will accost op/ed columns on both abandon of an acclamation for publication.
7. They cannot be artefact endorsement.
8. They should appear from an columnist who lives aural our apportionment area.
9. They should not accept been appear abroad or submitted for advertisement elsewhere.
10. They cannot be libelous, damaging or abhorrent to ample portions of our readership.
11. They should to be accompanied with an cyberbanking photo of the columnist for publication.
These are not hard-and-fast rules. Sometimes, about because of about ablaze appeal for op/ed space, the beat editor may abandon one or added of the guidelines. At times of aerial demand, he may not be able to do so.
Columns should be submitted to: wayne.greene@tulsaworld.com