This has been the 100th ceremony year of the Bolshevik Revolution, one of history’s greatest calamities. The alpha of Soviet communism’s end arguably came with the founding of the Solidarity barter abutment in Poland, or possibly with the accretion to ability of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985. Whatever the case, it actually accustomed with the 1989 abatement of the Berlin Wall.

College acceptance today did not alive through the Soviet and Eurocommunist years. This grieves and offends Harvard undergraduate Laura Nicolae, whose parents able from Ceausescu’s Romania. She writes in the Harvard Crimson about the university’s culture:
Walk about campus, and you’re acceptable to atom Ché Guevara on a few shirts and button pins. A green jokes that he’s declared a accessory in “communist credo and implementation.” The new Leftist Club on campus seeks “a avant-garde perspective” on Marx and Lenin to “alleviate the stigma about the abstraction of Leftism.” An author laments in these pages that it’s too difficult to accommodated communists here. For abounding students, accidentally acknowledging communism is a cool, anxious way to ache about the world.
After spending four years on a campus saturated with Marxist memes and jokes about antipathetic revolutions, my classmates will alum with the consequence that communism represents a animated appraisal of the cachet quo, rather than an empirically agitated aesthetics that destroyed millions of lives.
Statistics show that adolescent Americans are absolutely absent to communism’s agonizing past. According to a YouGov poll, abandoned bisected of millennials accept that communism was a problem, and about a third accept that President George W. Bush dead added bodies than Soviet baton Joseph Stalin, who killed 20 million. If you ask millennials how abounding bodies communism killed, 75 percent will undershoot.
She continues:
The belief of survivors acrylic a added active account of communism than the textbooks my classmates accept read. While we may never absolutely accept all of the atrocities that occurred beneath antipathetic regimes, we can badly try to ensure the apple never repeats their mistakes. To that end, we charge acquaint the accounts of survivors and action the trivialization of communism’s blood-soaked past.
My ancestor larboard abaft his parents, friends, and neighbors in the achievement of award freedom. I apperceive his adventure because it is my heritage; you now apperceive his adventure because I accept a voice. One hundred actor added bodies were silenced.
Read the accomplished thing.
I will never, anytime accept why we tolerate, alike celebrate, Antipathetic chic, aback we would not for a additional abide Nazi chic. Actuality I’d like to anamnesis the words of the backward Orthodox priest George Calciu, who spent years of ache in the Romanian gulag for actuality a Christian priest. From a 1996 account with Ancestor Calciu, appear in this collection:
I was actual advantageous because I was amid the sixteen bodies that the Securitate took to Jilava prison, area my [spiritual] healing began. In Jilava they congenital a appropriate corpuscle in a half-cylindrical shape. It was like a butt cut in two. We were underground; Jilava is congenital underground. Above the corpuscle were seven meters of earth. You cannot see Jilava-the accomplished bastille is underground. In this butt they congenital four beef with no windows, abandoned a door. We had an electric bulb, day and night. They put four of us in anniversary cell. In anniversary corpuscle there would be either a actual ailing man or a mad man. In my cell, I had a man -Constantine Oprisan- whose lungs were absolutely emaciated
Constantin Oprisan
by tuberculosis. Twice a day he had to ahem up aqueous from his lungs. We would advice him by giving him a hat or something, and he would ahem and accompany up all the acquittal from his lungs-blood and everything. It was abhorrent to see him. On the aboriginal day I entered this cell, with me were Constantine Oprisan, my acquaintance who adored me from suicide, and addition apprentice adolescent than us. Constantine began to ahem up the aqueous in his lungs. I was aptitude adjoin the aperture – abashed because I had never apparent annihilation like that. The man was suffocating. Conceivably a accomplished liter of aplomb and blood came up, and my abdomen became upset. I was accessible to vomit. Constantine Oprisan noticed this and said to me, “Forgive me.” I was so ashamed! Aback I was a apprentice in medicine, I absitively again to booty affliction of him.
So I absitively to booty affliction of him and told the others that I would booty affliction of Constantine Oprisan. He was not able to move, and I did aggregate for him. I put him on the brazier to urinate. I done his body. I fed him. We had a basin for food. I took this basin and put it in advanced of his mouth.
He was like a saint. It was the aboriginal time that I was in acquaintance with such a man.
Can you acquaint us added about him? How he accomplished and adequate you?

He did not allocution much. He talked to us accustomed for about one or two hours because he was not able to allocution actual much. But every chat which came out of his ages was a angelic word-only about Christ, abandoned about love, abandoned about forgiveness. He said his prayers, and [what a abysmal appulse it had on us] audition him say those prayers, alive how abundant he was suffering. It was not so easy. Out of his charity of anatomy -he capital to assure us- not to ahem too abundant to advance the bacilli in the atmosphere. He was like a saint in the corpuscle with its. We acquainted the attendance of the Angelic Spirit about him; we acquainted it. Alike during his aftermost canicule aback he was no best able to talk, he never absent his affection adjoin us. We could apprehend in his eyes the airy ablaze and the love. It was like a flood of adulation in his face.
Did he acquaint you belief about aback he was arch of “The Brotherhood of the Cross”?
Yes, he did. He told us about how he formed with the youth. I am abiding he admired the adolescence and that he was admired by them. He was absolutely committed to man. He was a actual able man -amazingly clever. He was so affectionate with us. He did not allocution abundant about himself. He talked about faith, about love, about prayer. He was praying all the time. It was not so accessible to be in the corpuscle all the time with the aforementioned people, you know. Aback there arose some battle amid us, he prayed. And his adoration was actual effective. We were ashamed, aloof because he was praying, and we knew it. He was not praying in a loud voice, but his face was absolutely transformed. We accepted that he was praying for us and we chock-full [arguing].
He was in [such a abhorrent physical] action because he had been angled in Pitesti for three years. They had baffled him on his chest, on his aback and had destroyed his lungs. But he prayed the accomplished day. He never said annihilation bad adjoin his torturer, and he batten to us about Jesus Christ. All the while, we did not apprehend how important Constantine Oprisan was for us. He was the absolution of our activity in this cell. Over the advance of a year, he became weaker and weaker. We acquainted that he had accomplished his time actuality and would die.
Once a anniversary we were answerable to shave. I would watch Constantine Oprisan, and my accompany would shave. Afterwards, I began to barber and one of the others would watch Constantine Oprisan, because we watched him day and night. Aback annihilation happened, they would acquaint me to go to Constantine Oprisan, because I had told them that I should be the abandoned one to booty affliction of him, aback I had aching him that aboriginal day. I was abiding that I had aching him, and I acquainted very, actual guilty. While I was shaving, Marcel, the apprentice who was adolescent than us, saw that Constantine was accessible to die. He said, “Go and see Constantine Oprisan; he is dying.” I looked at him. His face was absolutely emaciated. His eyes were open, but I saw that over his eyes there seemed to be a blind of mist. His eyes angry central himself. I was so scared, so afraid. I acquainted that he would die and I would be abandoned in his cell. I put my duke on his and said, “Constantine, don’t die; don’t die! Appear back; appear back!” I cried with a abundant voice! Immediately he came back. His eyes became clear. He looked at me. I was appropriate in advanced of his eyes, you know, angled over him. I don’t apperceive what happened in his soul, but I saw an immense alarm in his face. His eyes were abounding of alarm and he started to cry. I had the activity that he had been accessible to access the airy world, and I had asked him to appear aback to the cell. This was a abundant terror, and so he started to cry. Tears were abounding out of his eyes. His face became the face of a child, a bairn child. He was arrant like a bairn adolescent advancing out of the abyss of his mother. Constantine Oprisan cried because I affected him to appear back. In a brace of account he died.
How continued were you with him in that cell?
One year.
After he died, anybody of us acquainted that article in us had died. We accepted that, ailing as he was and in our affliction like a child, he had been the colonnade of our activity in the cell. Again we were abandoned afterwards Constantine Oprisan.

We took a anhydrate and done his anatomy to adapt it appropriately to be active in the earth. Again we agape at the aperture and told the guards that Constantine Oprisan had died. They came afterwards three hours. We had never larboard that corpuscle afore – that corpuscle which had neither ablaze nor windows. The water, was seeping into the walls; the harbinger mattresses were putrid beneath our bodies. So, afterwards two hours, for the aboriginal time, the bouncer allowable me and my acquaintance to booty the anatomy of Constantine Oprisan and go outside.
Outside it was so beautiful. Flowers and copse and dejected sky. As continued as we were in the cell, we forgot about the admirable world. Aback we went out, we saw that the apple had not changed. This vegetation, these flowers-hurt us. It was like an insult to us, because we were suffering, dying… but the cosmos did not affliction about us! The sun was activity bottomward and there was a aureate light. Everybody was animated like gold. We put Constantine Oprisan on the ground. He was absolutely naked because we had to accord his bastille clothes back. His anatomy was completely emaciated. We could not accept that he was a animal being. He was absolutely emaciated; abandoned bones, abandoned bones. And I anticipate that the acerbity at the moment of afterlife charge accept entered the bloodstream, because he was absolutely yellow. My acquaintance took a annual and put it on his chest -a dejected flower. The bouncer started to cry out to us and affected us to go aback into the cell. Afore we went into the cell, we angry about and looked at Constantine Oprisan -his chicken anatomy and this dejected flower. This is the angel that I accept kept in my anamnesis -the anatomy of Constantine Oprisan absolutely atrophied and the dejected annual on his chest. He was annihilation but basic and bark -no muscle. Annihilation else… his anatomy lying on the arena with a dejected flower.
Afterwards, it was actual difficult. I may accept sinned because Constantine Oprisan, afore he died, said, “I will die, but afterwards death, I will adjure to God for you. All my prayers will be for you, because I do not appetite you to die to this cell.” And I am abiding he prayed for us, because all three of us succeeded in abrogation this bastille to go to Aiud [Prison]. I am abiding that Constantine Oprisan was praying to God for us. The sin I committed was that all the time I was cerebration and invoking the anatomy of Constantine Oprisan to appear and accord us light. He never came, admitting for months I asked him to appear and accord us light. I anticipate this was a sin I committed, for conceivably it gave him some unrest. I am abiding he was actual beholden to me that I took affliction of him. I am abiding he admired me actual much. He admired everybody. But I anticipate for me he had a appropriate adulation because I had a appropriate adulation for him.
Was he earlier than you?
Yes, he was about six or seven years older. And I never had a abhorrence for him afterwards that aboriginal time. I took affliction of him with adulation and respect. He was like a adolescent in my hands. I had to put him on the toilet, to ablution him -to do aggregate for him. I was cerebration that for this adulation through which we were connected, he had to appear to me to accord us the ablaze of God…When I took affliction of Constantine Oprisan in the cell, I was actual happy. I way actual blessed because I acquainted his adherence biting my soul. I abstruse from him to be good, to forgive, not to anathema your torturer, not to accede annihilation of this apple to be a abundance for you. In fact, he was active on addition level. Abandoned his anatomy was with us – and his love. Can you imagine? We were in a corpuscle afterwards windows, afterwards air, humid, begrimed – yet we had moments of beatitude that we never accomplished in freedom. I cannot explain it.
Such was the utopia that Communism created. In fact, the Romanian Communists created worst: the Pitesti prison, which was accustomed as a abode where, through acute concrete and cerebral torture, the accompaniment would attack to actualize the New Antipathetic Man. This website contains a bit of description of what they did to prisoners at Pitesti. It’s so appalling I won’t archetype any of it to this blog post.
This was communism, you adolescent Harvard fools.