“At a festival, the calefaction is unbearable, I’m shitting my accuracy out in this portaloo that’s like a greenhouse, I’m afraid so bad I accept to booty my clothes off. So I’m sat in this accurate bits hole, naked, exploding berserk from the anus aback some dude opens the aperture accepting a abounding appearance of my absolutely naked, angular alarmist anatomy complete with angular alarmist bits and diaphoresis smell. I’d abandoned to lock the toilet, and I anticipate we both regretted that.” – pm_me_your_mole_rats
“Was acid a ladies hair, and she wants to appearance me pictures of her garden on her Ipad. She’s swiping, and all of a sudden, abounding on accessible legs broad vagina shot.” – seius
“I alive in a academy boondocks and was cat-and-mouse in band to mail article (bike parts?). I had a 1′ aboveboard amalgamation (heh) in my hands. At some point, a academy gal absolved to the bath and afresh absentmindedly absolved back. She was talking on her buzz and was continuing on the added ancillary of the line-fencing as she talked.
She captivated up her buzz alarm and ducked beneath the fence, afresh got her buzz out and was attractive through it. She chock-full abutting to me… and put her duke in my pocket. And started arena with the tip. All in about 3 seconds.
I approved to booty a footfall backward, but there was fencing. As I angry to face her, I said article like “ummmm, excu-“, so she looked up at me with this coy, devilish smile. I accept this abrupt anamnesis of that adult smile IMMEDIATELY axis to the purest attending of abhorrence I accept anytime seen. Sheer terror.
She screamed “I’M SO SORRY” and sprinted out the door. She affective her boyfriend, who was cutting a abreast identical button bottomward shirt aloof a few bodies abaft me. The accomplished thing, from absent ability into abridged to cartoonish dragging-him-away, took about 10 seconds.” – persondude27
“At a bar continuing adjoin the bank able-bodied into the night. Adult walks by and flicks my nipple. My burning acknowledgment is to do it aback to her. Her aperture fell accessible afresh she smiled, nodded her arch in a array of “touché” moment and kept walking.” – Nagler
“I delivered aliment and I was in an elevator in some coarse accommodation architecture and this actual old and ample bashed woman came on. She had like 3 teeth and was absolutely bathed and kinda looked like what I brainstorm an old woman in tsarist Russia would attending like I’m appealing abiding she larboard her capote at home that day. But anyhow afterwards abundant admonishing she pulled her accurate bald tit out and aloof set it appropriate the fuck on me. I’m so socially awkward I kinda aloof stood there like oh ok this is aloof my activity now until I get to my floor. Best awkward 15 abnormal of my life.” – weedcooksbrain

“I was at a awash bar (packed wall-to-wall), and went to get drinks for my adherent and myself. I best up two pints at the bar, and as I was authoritative my way aback through the crowd, a babe cuts in advanced of me. Apparently, she anticipation her admirer was abaft her because she alcove aback and starts aloof cuddle my junk. I can’t put either alcohol down, so I accept to try to bawl in this girl’s ear, but the bar is so loud that she can’t apprehend me. It’s so arranged that I can’t cull away, so she gain to accord me an over-the-pants-handy until we assuredly get a little further from the bar and she can absolutely apprehend me babble “PLEASE STOP GRABBING MY DICK.” – WaluigiIsTheRealHero
“When I was 17 I was a jumper on a FedEx barter for a while and one time I was authoritative a commitment in a crummier allotment of town. I charge a signature so I beating on the door. This babe opens the door. She looks like she ability accept been 14. The signature appropriate an 18-year-old so I apperceive it’s not her. I acquaint her and afresh I ask if anyone abroad is home. She says yes but afore she can do absolutely annihilation I her a woman from central the abode allurement “who is it?” The babe calmly turns about and says “It’s the FedEx guy with some papers.” And the I affirm to God some adult hangs center about a bend central the house, topless may I add, and tells the babe “well shut the G D door. I Ain’t got no panties on.” The girls face turns as red as a stop sign. I’m aggravating so adamantine not to beam and I center say “you apperceive what? I anticipate it’ll be accomplished if you sign.” Still the highlight of my career.” – benvinsant
“One of my Uber cartage about two months ago offered me $40 to blast his babe in my aback seat. It was already a $60 trip, so I angry up the music and put my rear appearance mirror all the way up and let him do his thing.” – icecreampopncereal
“Met a babe at the club who was bawl adjoin the wall. Went over to her and asked her what was wrong, she told me she absent her buzz on the ball floor. I asked her if she bare advice attractive for it. We went assimilate the attic and she anon started cutting on me. Anon afterwards that, we started authoritative out. Lasted a acceptable 45min. Not abiding if the accomplished bawl affair was a artifice to allurement a dude in. No complaints though.” – bawzzz
“In my aboriginal 20’s, I went to a affair with a acquaintance at one of his (not mine) friend’s house. Lots of bodies drinking, talking, music playing, etc.
One of my friend’s friend’s accompany is this beautiful girl. I don’t bethink us absolutely chatting that abundant but we were affectionate of playfully punching anniversary added while we were by the couches in the active allowance (where a brace bodies were watching tv).The punching angry into basically wrestling, we abatement to the attic and we’re laughing. We attending at anniversary added and aloof like that we’re actual heavily authoritative out.
Lots of bodies about so we aces ourselves up and annihilation abundant happens for a brace hours.
Later on, best bodies accept larboard and we’re array of abandoned in the active room. On the couch, authoritative out starts accident again, clothes alpha advancing off, I go bottomward on her, we blooper bottomward to the attic and do the accomplished accomplishment not caring if anybody saw.Got dressed afterwards and we down-covered on the couch, said goodbye in the backward morning and I never saw her again.” – xaradevir
“Was on the tube and the babe abutting to me stumbled and aback affective my boob to abiding herself. I asked if she was activity to at atomic buy me dinner, and she went ablaze red and apologized, and afresh squashed accomplished bodies to angle about else.” – Emily_Starke
“20 years ago, I was on an elevator at a auberge and about everybody got off except for me and a 13(?) year old kid and I farted article huge. and so did he at the aforementioned time. we looked at anniversary added incredulously and aloof afresh advise and the aperture opens and 10 women in business apparel get on and anon alpha accusatory about the smell. they got off at the antechamber and I and that kid laughed so fucking adamantine that I about anesthetized out. afresh I got off at my attic and never saw him again. but aloof for a additional there, we were brothers. I still can’t anticipate about it afterwards laughing.” – dmukai
“Was dancing at an EDM club, had a few beers but wasn’t ashen or anything. Chick walks up abaft me and starts cutting on me. I think, “ok this is cool, but usually this is the added way around.” I about-face about and she’s absolutely absolutely hot. She begins abrading her easily on my anatomy and afresh sticks her easily bottomward my pants and starts jerking me, in the average of the ball floor. Bodies are attractive at me all awe-inspiring and giving nods; I was distinct and in a bit of a dry spell so there was no way I was activity to stop her. Afterwards a brace of account of arena with me, she aloof walks away.” – gypsysauce
“I was activity through some claimed bits and bubbler at home by myself. I absitively I bare some affectionate of “company” so I cabbed bottomward to a bounded bar. The abode was arranged and loud so I aloof affective a beer and went and sat abandoned to bodies watch. A guy approaches me and says, “sorry to bother you man but I’m actuality with my babe and her acquaintance is actuality a erect acquaintance and I’m aggravating to leave but I feel bad abrogation her actuality alone. I’ll buy you your abutting alcohol if you appear out and ball with her while we skip out.” Not abundant of a ballerina but for a chargeless alcohol I said fuck it. I get my alcohol and he credibility out the 2 girls dancing and says, “the bistered is my girl, the albino is castigation now..” and laughs. I say, “got it” and airing out to the ball attic and abutting affair I apperceive I’m ‘in the club accomplishing the aforementioned ole 2 step’ with this girl. Afterwards a song or 2 the guy aloof affectionate of nods at me and him and his babe dip out. We ball to addition song and I accomplishment my alcohol so I aloof array of point to the bar and she nods her head. We go over and adjustment a brace beers, she leans in and says acknowledgment and looks about and notices her accompany are gone. She says, “I anticipate my accompany ditched me” and affectionate of jokingly I aloof say, “that’s alright you can appear home with me”. She action and we accomplishment our alcohol agilely and I alpha activity like an asshole for adage what I said. I acquaint her I’m gonna arch out and she says, “not afterwards me!”
So we barrage a cab, go to my place, anon go to my allowance and accept sex. We canyon out, deathwatch up, accept sex afresh and afresh canyon aback out. We deathwatch up, I ask her if she has assignment and she says not for addition brace hours so we accept sex afresh and abatement aback asleep. We get up, get dressed and I drive her home.
Between the time of seeing her for the aboriginal time and bottomward her off, we exchanged maybe 60 abnormal of dialogue, had sex 3 times and accept never apparent nor announced to anniversary added since.” – Loud_Mouth_Soup
“I saw a guy continuing on the acropolis overlooking Philadelphia’s Boat Abode Row at sunrise. I anticipation his easily were bound in adoration and acknowledgment for creation. I was moved.
As I got closer, I accomplished he was aloof pissing in the street.” – jabroni26
“I was at the acclimatization for a new job. I showed up aboriginal and they had me go sit on this bank to delay for the acclimatization to start. There was a beautiful babe sitting there already so I sat abutting to her and addled up a conversation. We talked for a few account and afresh she took her buzz out, so I took abundance out. Well, she looked over at me as I apart my buzz and there was a actual hardcore porn gif playing. I’m talking “Guy captivation a babe bottomward with his bottom on her arch as he fucks her active style” blazon hardcore. Her arch anon airtight aback to her phone. I didn’t apperceive what to do so I aloof acted like I didn’t apprehension her attractive and kept the chat going. Afresh we had to sit through the 3-hour acclimatization together. Luckily we formed in altered departments and shifts, so I never saw her again.” – bob4786
“Sitting at the bend bank of a table at Giordano’s on a Chicago cruise with my guy crew. All of a sudden, this attractive abbreviate haired babe walks up to our table and French kisses me. The table went silent. She afresh said,“I’m on a dare. I had to kiss the additional hottest guy at your table.”
At a table of six guys, the agitation started immediately.
Everyone was arguing who the aboriginal hottest was, but I was agreeable with additional abode and a candied accomplish out.
Maybe added acclimatized than others, but it’s the abutting I’ve got.” – Billybaf
“On vacation in California. It’s about 10pm, the basin and hot tubs are mostly empty. I’m air-conditioned in the hot tub talking to my accompany at home. Some babe comes and joins me, I say hi and go aback to my phone, so does she. I accomplishment on the buzz and adjudge to try for some conversation. Aboriginal brace account is aloof breaking the ice, afresh gets a bit added personal. The approach copse are acclaim acceptable aloft us, the alone complete is the bendable lapping of the baptize and a balmy breeze. She has this boom on the aback of her accept that I ask about, and she comes over to appearance it to me. The abutting affair I know, I’m giving her a appealing animal aback massage, she turns around, hops on my lap and we kissed for a acceptable 15 account afore the auberge agents kicked us out of the hot tub. Never saw her again.” – RestroomRavager
[Via AskReddit]

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