By Spencer . April 24, 2012 . 9:00am

Namco Bandai translated and appear an English adaptation of their Saint Seiya bold for PlayStation 3 in Europe. Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle has been out for a brace of months after any assurance of a North American release. Last year, a rep from Namco Bandai said Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle would alone be for PAL territories.
So, I was appealing afraid to see Os Cavaleiros do Zodíaco: Batalha do Santuário pop up on the ESRB – that’s Knights of the Zodiac: Sanctuary Battle in Portuguese.

The ESRB description sounds absolutely like Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle, but alone with Portuguese voiceovers.

This is an action-adventure bold based on characters from the Knights of the Zodiac banana book/TV appearance franchise. Players accept the role of mystical warriors who punch, kick, and use bewitched attacks to defeat human-like enemies (e.g., soldiers, demons); added credibility are awarded for assorted advance combos. Battles are accompanied by slashing sounds, shockwave effects, and bright explosions; accident is adumbrated by annihilative bloom meters. A few cutscenes characterize added acts of abandon (e.g., characters impaled by rose stems and arrows). Portuguese translations of the words “damn” and “a*s” (e.g., “Drogo! Nem consigo arranhar!” and “Vim te dar uma surra!”) can be heard in the dialogue.
Doing a little added digging we begin a banker stocking the bold in Brazil with a slated May 31 absolution date. Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle’s Portuguese copy will amount R$179.90 or $95 US bucks.

Video bold belief from added sites on the web. These links leave Siliconera.