It’s high-school brawl division and you apperceive what that agency — it’s all about the dress. And Tennessee chief Kristen Lane, 18, had a super-savvy abstraction back it came to affairs hers: She’d aboriginal try to advertise her inferior brawl dress (which had fabricated her feel like a “princess”) by announcement a photo of herself in it on Facebook, then buy a new one with the money she earned, which would be supplemented by donations to a Go Fund Me page she set up, Yahoo Parenting reports.
Unfortunately, Layne became the ambition of some abandoned online trolls — two men who relentlessly attacked her weight and looks on Facebook, Layne told WSMV. In response, the White House High School student affably commented: “Can you amuse stop with the comments? Sorry that I’m not adorable to your eye.”
H/T: Yahoo