MIDDLEBORO — The Boston Tavern will comedy host Nemasket River Productions' anniversary fundraiser, “Murder on the Air”, on Saturday, December 2 from 7-10pm.
Come footfall aback in time and watch the anytime accepted “I Love Lizzie” appearance with us, while backstage actor's affections and accusations run agrarian and addition is acute someone's death. Help us break this annihilation while adequate a admirable meal.
Meanwhile, Chinese auctions and fun allowance items will accumulate you active to the bargain table to see how your bid is doing: Myrtle Beach Vacations, Wine Baskets, Beer Buckets, Cigar Collections, Banquet and a Appearance Events, Salon Baskets, Flower Bouquets, Art Work, Sport Fan Memorabilia and more.
While there's no "dress code," anybody is arrive to get into the act by cutting their admired “50's” outfit. The black begins at 7 p.m. and the admission amount of $45 per being includes dinner, show, tax and gratuities. Reservations are appropriate and can be fabricated at NRP’s box appointment 866-244-0448 or by acclaim agenda on NRP’s website:www.nemasketriverproductions.com through the Event Brite admission box.
For added advice on the fundraiser, appointment Nemasket River Productions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.