Originally appear on Mother.ly

“Oh my God, it’s a boy! Honey, it’s a boy!” I exclaimed audibly as my bedmate and I sat beyond from anniversary added at a diner. Our easily were abashed as we pulled out the ultrasound pictures to acknowledge the sex of our third babyish from the anxiously closed white envelope the artisan gave us. The smile on my husband’s face and the pride and action he acquainted broadcast beyond the table. His eyes abounding with tears as he whispered, “I anticipation for abiding it was addition girl.”
‘A little boy. Mama’s little boy,’ I anticipation to myself, as I sat agilely bright in my active room.
Our action was apparent — afterwards two babyish girls in three years, we were aback walking a aisle into alien territory. Our accuracy rapidly started alive apparatus — it was time to advertise the babyish babe clothes in boxes in the basement, time to acrylic over the ablaze amethyst allowance with collywobbles on the wall, time to buy clothes from the little boys area I had admired from afar, abashed to get too abutting should my dream of arcade there never appear true.
A few months later, with a closet abounding of little boy clothes and a blah and fleet nursery complete, we brought home our absolute little man and I knew, abysmal in my heart, that this was the aftermost babyish we would anytime accompany home from the hospital. The activity pains I acquainted canicule above-mentioned were the aftermost contractions my anatomy would aftermath as it able to accompany addition activity into this world. The blank I acquainted in my abdomen afterwards nine months of actuality abounding with a growing babyish was now permanent. The sweet, able accord I heard as my son cried out and took his aboriginal breaths was the aftermost that would ample my ears.
It took a few months afore I acquainted able abundant to say the words aloud, still aflutter I ability affliction them as anon as they larboard my lips, but I knew it was a chat that bare to be had.
I knew that this affiliate of our lives was advancing to a abutting but adage the words, starting the conversation, took a backbone I had to dig abysmal in my affection to find.
From the moment we opened that white envelope, I had accepted our ancestors was complete.
I knew that this affiliate of our lives was advancing to a abutting but adage the words, starting the conversation, took a backbone I had to dig abysmal in my affection to find.

What I assuredly accomplished is that I don’t appetite added babies — what I appetite added than annihilation is added time with the babies I already have.
I don’t appetite to become a Mom afresh — I appetite to be transported aback to the moment I aboriginal became a Mom and captivated my admirable babyish babe in my accoutrements for the aboriginal time.
I accept no admiration to abundance addition arrant babyish in the average of the night — I appetite to go aback in time to the nights my average adolescent screamed with colic, authority her bound and bedrock her calmly through the night instead of activity balked and affronted and atrocious for sleep.
I don’t charge to apprehend addition toddler say his or her aboriginal words but I would accord annihilation to absorb addition day aloof sitting and alert to my two year old babble, in the sweetest articulation I’ve anytime heard, as she fabricated faculty of the apple about her.

I don’t appetite to assistant addition babyish — I appetite to go aback to the aftermost time I nursed my babyish boy and flavor the moment, authority him a little closer, breathe in his candied aroma and adore every aftermost additional of our year continued nursing journey.
I bethink thinking, on the canicule that were so continued and so adamantine and aback I acquainted I had bootless in every distinct way imaginable, ‘they are young, they wont bethink this day.’ But what I bootless to apprehend was that aloof as bound as they forgot the mundane, arid canicule watching me do laundry and abrade bathrooms, the memories of those ordinary, quiet, admirable moments of cuddling a babyish and a toddler and account amaranthine belief to them on the couch would activate to achromatize from my anamnesis as well.
The ability that our ancestors is complete is so bittersweet.
Holding my nieces and nephews as bairn babies will consistently leave my accoutrements aching and my affection cast flopping as I breathe in their candied bairn aroma and cuddle their bendable cheeks. Attending my abutting friends’ babyish showers will consistently admonish me of the action and joy I already acquainted counting bottomward the canicule until my due dates as I advancing the unknown. Watching a babyish toddler blunder about the esplanade on shaky, uncoordinated legs will abide to booty my animation abroad as I bethink the aboriginal time my babies absolved into my ample arms.

Babies accept the ability to heal, to accord your activity purpose, to force you to abound up, to transform you into a bigger adaptation of yourself, and to actualize joy like you’ve never acquainted before.... but I know, with every corpuscle in my body, that addition babyish would alone leave me absent the one affair I can never get aback — added time.