LOS ANGELES (AP) — With Bold 6 of the World Alternation actuality played on Halloween, costumed accouchement of the Houston Astros aggregate in the antechamber of the aggregation hotel.

"The trick-or-treating in the auberge (had to) suffice, because I anticipate this is appropriate circumstances," Astros administrator A.J. Hinch said afore Tuesday's game. "So is missing school. But you should break in school."
Houston's players, agents and families backward in city Los Angeles, beneath than 4 afar from Dodger Stadium. The Astros led the alternation 3-2, one win from the aboriginal appellation in the team's 56-season history.

Hinch said it was appropriate to accept wife Erin and daughters Haley and Kaitlin allotment the acquaintance but additionally difficult.
"I anticipate they've been to academy six canicule this month, which is adamantine for me. A Stanford grad, it's adamantine for me to cull my kids out of school," he said. "All of us in baseball admire our families and what they cede for us to alive out this dream and do this crazy stuff."

Los Angeles administrator Dave Roberts said utilityman Enrique Hernandez was amid his players into the Halloween spirit.
"I saw Kike in some accouterments earlier," Roberts said about four hours afore the game.

In a action in which about every angle is bargain to a computerized report, Hinch's apperception was abounding with bold knowledge. Finding out what apparel his girls wore had to wait.
"You apperceive what, I'm not a bad father, but I'm not absolutely sure," he said.

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