Thompson Dress Shirt In End On End
CORVALLIS -- The accouterment agents on the apartment akin at Reser Amphitheater formed out a triple-deck ambrosia barrow on Saturday. It had caramel apples on the top shelf, and ample beneath that, brownies, accolade and cakes.
["1940"]The options fit appropriate in with the slow-roasted prime rib they were confined in Boosterland, and the artisan cheese platter, and the abounding bar featuring alloyed drinks. And so 21 suites abounding with Oregon State's finest donors, sponsors, administrators and their guests, acclimatized in for a football bold that was contrarily mostly embarrassing.
Arizona State exhausted the Beavers 40-24.
But let's aback up two quarters. Because it was on the apartment akin at halftime with the Beavers abaft by 23 points, area I met with Dr. Ed Ray. He's the OSU president. Ray, 73, wore slacks with tennis shoes and a dress shirt and tie. But over the top of it all, the top accommodation maker on campus wore a blah replica 1942 Rose Basin jacket, commemorating OSU's alone victory in the basin game.
"I'd like us to get to addition one afore I die," Ray said.
Wonderful. Let's do it. Because Oregon State, now 1-10, is one Civil War bold abroad from the end of another forgettable football season. The Beavers accept won seven absolute amateur in the aftermost three seasons. Football drillmaster Gary Andersen abdicate weeks ago, alarming off $12.6 actor in affirmed compensation. The Rose Bowl? Sorry, bang-up man, but that feels like a aqueduct dream. And yet, actuality was Ray on the amphitheater apartment level, alive one end of the continued row of suites in that anorak while Athletic Director Scott Barnes formed from the other.
Who will they hire? Aback will it happen? And will OSU get it right? Those are the questions to ask today. Even as OSU, accomplished by acting drillmaster Cory Hall, played a active fourth quarter, it was way too little, way too late, and also, way too accepted this season.
["388"]Gift giving and football season-ticket sales are on a abiding four-year slide, bottomward from added than 20,000 division tickets awash for 2014 division to alone 17,177 this season. And the hiring timeline is magnified by the actuality that there is now a 72-hour aboriginal signing aeon that begins on Dec. 20.
Ray said, "We charge to move fast."
They apperceive it. We apperceive it. The candidates apperceive it. The recruits do, too. Which is alone to say that I accept Oregon State has a appealing solid abstraction who it wants to hire, and is cat-and-mouse for the division to clearly end to extend the offer. Dr. Ray wouldn't allocution about any specific candidates on Saturday. Neither would Barnes, who alone offered, "We're alive adamantine to get this done."
But I will allocution candidates.
Cal abhorrent coordinator Beau Baldwin is a being of absorption in this search, per a university source. So is Virginia drillmaster Bronco Mendenhall, who I'm told interviewed for the job in 2014 and was the runner-up aback Andersen was hired. After that, it gets murkier, and also, added accessible to estimation and opportunity.
Dr. Ray said, "We're attractive at arch coaches, and some added actual acknowledged candidates. (We'll hire) addition who is a absolute dejected chipper."
["388"]Washington co-offensive coordinator Jonathan Smith, a above Beavers player, is addition OSU would like to allocution with. But it feels like OSU's absorption in Smith has cooled some in contempo weeks. His abridgement of head-coaching acquaintance puts him, at best, on according basement with the acting coach, Hall. And while Hall may stick about as an assistant, he isn't activity to get the arch drillmaster position, either.
Some sexier names accept surfaced, but an OSU source abutting to the chase said, "That's how agents work. They get their guy's name out there aback it's absolutely not out there." Also, chase firms do that to accomplish the accomplishment feel added thorough.
Right now, though, it feels like Baldwin or Mendenhall on OSU's abbreviate list. After that, perhaps, a drillmaster who all-overs apart in the abutting anniversary aloof like Andersen did aback he fled Wisconsin for Corvallis. But again, the Civil War bold is a axis point in the search, and whoever gets this job will appetite every day amid the end of that bold and end-of-business on Dec. 22 to recruit.
Oregon State won the 1942 Rose Bowl. The Beavers absent the aforementioned basin game in 1957 and 1965. It was a surreal arena on Saturday, seeing Dr. Ray cutting that replica jacket, talking about accepting aback to the Rose Basin while never activity added abroad from it. To be fair, he's big on history. So it makes absolute sense.
Which apparently explains what happened next. Because as we stood there, chatting on Saturday, unsolicited, Dr. Ray pulled out his wallet to appearance me article he's been saving.
Turns out, what he's been extenuative is the wallet.
It was able-bodied worn, and fabricated of atramentous leather. The university admiral opened the wallet. I anticipation he was activity to cull out his driver's authorization and appearance me his birthdate. Or maybe a acclaim card, and buy a annular of drinks for the boosters. Instead, he aloof pointed.
There is a red rose blossom stitched to the inside.
"The Rose Basin bodies gave this to me in 2009 afore the Civil War," he said.
Remember that ballsy animosity game? The Ducks entered ranked No. 7. The Beavers were ranked No. 16. The champ would get the Rose Basin berth. It ended with a Beavers' fourth-down canyon falling abridged abysmal in Ducks territory. Oregon ran out the alarm and won 37-33.
Ray kept the wallet. And he wears the jacket.
Said Ray: "I'd like a new jacket."
First though, he needs a new coach.


