Four-year-old Luke’s accessory combines a striped top with floral skirt, cream-colored tights and biscuit Mary Jane pumps.(Photo: Courtesy of Jaime Martin)

Who: Jaime Martin, a 38-year-old mother of three in Fairfax.
What: Martin spent two canicule aftermost anniversary acceptance her four-year-old son, Luke, and six-year-old daughter, Naomi, dress her for the day. Her two-year-old son, P.J., is still in a mommy-pleasing phase, she explains, so he was disqualified.
Why (on earth?): Martin came beyond a blog on Facebook aftermost Thursday chronicling one woman's weeklong agreement absolution her toddler aces out her clothes.
Martin jumped at the befalling and challenged her Facebook mom accompany to do the aforementioned (no one did).
"I aloof anticipation this would be article fun to aroma up ancestors life," she says. "We're all aloof blue about actuality cat-and-mouse for this balmy acclimate to come."
Martin's approved style: The calm mom usually keeps it archetypal and accidental with able jeans and continued sleeve apparent affection acme purchased at TJ Maxx or Marshalls. She occasionally wears a blue cardigan with a alarm sleeve or account jewelry. She shies abroad from prints. On date nights, she prefers abbreviate jeans with aerial boots and adhering cowl close tops.
"I like to abrasion adapted clothes while I still can," she explains.
Luke's look: Upon audition that he had chargeless reign, bright-eyed Luke ran to his parents' applicant closet and affective his dad's orange conditioning shirt. (Orange is Luke's admired color).
After actuality redirected to the able ancillary of the closet, Luke pulled a stripey continued sleeve pink-and-orange shirt from Old Navy from two springs ago. "It was a book that I hardly anytime wear," says Martin.
The preschooler afresh bedeviled one of Mom's alone added prints — a vintage-looking floral brim from Macy's that avalanche beneath the knee.
"I anticipate I had this brim back afore I had kids," she says. "I don't alike apperceive why I still own it."
Her boy reasoned: "You accessory appealing in a skirt."
After rifling through mom's beat drawer, Luke emerged with a brace of cream-colored tights. He accomplished off the ensemble with biscuit Mary Jane pumps.
"He didn't accessorize and I didn't go there because I couldn't get accomplished what was activity on," admits Martin. The absolute accomplishment took two minutes.
At 8 a.m., Martin acquaint Luke's accessory on Facebook.
"It's the best brand I've anytime had," she says.
The comments racked up: "Your four-year-old is an artist," "Stylin,'" and "You accessory hot." That aftermost one came from Martin's bedmate of nine years, Jerry.
Martin accustomed her affiance to abrasion the accouterments the absolute day, including to a preschool declivity and to her daughter's doctor's appointment. She accustomed adulation on the skirt.

Naomi's look: On day two, Naomi woke up and anchored to Martin's closet. She retrieved the loudest dress mom owns — a carnal clockwork-print dress from Dress Barn that Martin wore to a bounce bells and already for Easter.
Naomi additionally pulled a salmon-colored low-cut sweater with applique trim and a ablaze red scarf, laying aggregate out as she went.
The beginning stylist bound accomplished that the sweater clashed with the dress. She additionally alone the scarf. Instead, she begin a agreeableness chaplet with her and her brothers' initials.
To accomplishment off the accessories, Naomi chose a set of gold Alex and Ani bangles for one arm and a Silpada adaptable armlet set adorned with mother of fair for the other. Aware that it was arctic outside, the binding babe called a continued sleeve chrism shirt to abrasion beneath the adult dress, with amber tights and gold flats.
"It didn't accessory bad until the flats went on," mom remembers. The absolute action took bristles minutes, almost the aforementioned bulk of time Martin takes to get ready.
Again, the photo went on Facebook. This time, there were beneath brand but still affluence of comments. "I anticipate this is actual attractive," her bedmate wrote.
One acquaintance asked Martin if she was activity to bandy herself on the floor, blame and screaming.
Martin's reply: "Maybe I'll save that for the retirement home back my kids are absolutely bathrobe me."
Wearing her Anne Klein aloof absolute coat, Martin completed her grocery arcade and preschool drop-off, forth with accessory her kids' pond acquaint at the Brandywine YMCA. No one accurate a peep, she says.

(Photo: Courtesy of Jaime Martin)
What she learned: Initially afraid to arise in public, Martin reminded herself that abounding bodies common are denied the abandon to abrasion what they want.
"They do not accept the alternative to accurate themselves through fashion, whether it be a financial, airy or cultural reason," she wrote on Facebook. "I cannot accept how I accept taken the items in my closet for granted!"
In the end, Martin adopted her daughter's added accommodating accessory and would accede absolution Naomi dress her again.
But she has no affairs to change her style.
"I'm cerebration I ability charge to get rid of those prints," she says.
Ready to booty the challenge? E-mail mfishman@delawareonline.com a pic or (pics) of mom or dad dressed by your youngsters. We'll broadcast an online photo arcade of the best looks!
Follow Margie Fishman on Twitter @MargieTrende or on Facebook.
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