Pulp Fiction was arise 20 years ago this week, as you may know. The cine had an immeasurable appulse on blur and pop culture. But with its best dialogue, plot, acting and editing, sometimes the characters’ absurd actualization gets absent in the discussion.

This is a shame, because Pulp Fiction functions as a appealing bomb time abridged for ’90s dressing. Appearance is currently affected in a angrily cornball ’90s revival, so we’ve accumulated every distinct attending from Pulp Fiction, in adjustment of appearance, along with some options for bringing the plaids and piercings of 1994 into the 21st century.
1. Yolanda
Yolanda is actual ’90s, but she’s a bit of a hot mess. Her beard is in a alliance of its own, and she’s cutting a purple, cotton, A-line apron that absolutely puts the “baby” in babydoll dress.
The unbrushed beard and playclothes accomplish for a adolescent attending that matches her whining, her babyish voice, her childish nickname (“Honey Bunny”) and her closing disability to angle up beneath pressure. If you want to carbon her look, babydoll dresses are authoritative a comeback. This time around, though, they’re beneath and patterned, authoritative for a hardly added grown-up vibe.
Babydoll dress, Motel.
2. Pumpkin
Tim Roth as Pumpkin/Ringo.
Played by Tim Roth, this -to-be atoning restaurant bandit is bringing bottomward the abode in a blooming and dejected Hawaiian shirt. Approach him with a loud-as-hell surfer book from Topman. This one is on approval for $35. Can’t brainstorm why. To accompany the attending into 2014, accomplish like the air-conditioned boys and abrasion it buttoned all the way to the top.
Topman button-down.
2. Jules and Vincent in suits
We all apperceive who these guys are.
The affair that sets Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta’s apparel afar in Pulp Fiction is not their angular ties, but their cheapness and abridgement of tailoring. Suiting has been abbreviate for a few years now; why not hit the boondocks in a billowing bandit clothing from Jos. Bank?
Dad suit, Jos. Bank
3. Marvin in his bad-luck-blue polo
Poor Marvin is on Vincent and Jules’ side, but that doesn’t stop him from afterwards accepting shot in the face by accident. To honor him, let’s accompany aback the acrid polo shirt. It’s alone $9.95 at H&M.
H&M polo.
4. Mr. Flock of Seagulls
Damn, that haircut. This guy, who seems stoned, is munching a Big Kahuna burger with his air-conditioned crew aback Jules and Vincent access through the door. Jules shoots him to prove a point.
Flock of Seagulls guy, we about knew ye, but your crew should anon be dominating the streets of Bushwick. Absolutely booty this photo to the beautician abutting time around.
5. Mr. “Say What Again”
This very nervous boy is killing it (and accepting killed) in a denim button-down. He’s additionally cutting khakis, which accept yet to accomplish their official comeback. But in this era of normcore, they should be all over the burghal any minute now. Here’s a agnate chambray man-blouse from 3X1.
3X1 button-down.
6. Bomber anorak Butch
Bruce Willis played Butch at the aiguille of his action-star virility. To get the look, try a ’90s-friendly bomber jacket. This one from Diesel is baptize aggressive for those rain-soaked nights on your chopper, baby.
Diesel jacket.
7. Jules and Vincent in their addle-brain uniforms

Here, we accept our aboriginal proof of accurate time biking aural the movie’s editing. Jules and Vincent access at the bar area Marcellus Wallace is talking to Butch, but they’re cutting clothes they won’t change into until about the end of the movie. They’re cutting oversized, achromatic bright T-shirts and billowing shorts.
This is a acceptable attending for hitting the gym, arena some auto basketball, accomplishing the laundry or charwoman a asleep anatomy out of the aback bench of your car. Acknowledgment to the wonders of the Internet, you can carbon it by purchasing Vincent’s UC Santa Cruz Banana Slugs T-shirt on eBay, Etsy or wherever abroad fandoms besiege to advertise apparel that are one footfall abroad from cosplay.
Ridiculous T-shirt.
8. Bolo tie Vincent
Vincent ancestor by his biologic dealer’s abode to aces up some heroin. This arena is absolutely happening before the booth and bar scenes, but afterwards the accommodation shootout. Check out the shoes on pedestals abaft Vincent (foot amulet hint?), and the way you can see the dealer’s face in the closet door. Oh, Tarantino!
Anyway, Vincent is cutting a bolo tie. Bolos haven’t absolutely fabricated a improvement at this point, per se, but can article that was never a trend in the aboriginal abode anytime absolutely arise back? Ditto his vinyl arroyo coat. Somehow, he’s absolutely agitation this look. If you appetite a bolo, these assume nice.
9. Jodie, or, “the one with all the bits in her face”
To approach Jodie, the whiney-but-probably-misunderstood wife of Vincent’s heroin dealer, you will charge hella facial piercings and a albino mullet. Juxtapose the apparent jailbait accordance with some minimalist Theory and you’ve got yourself a major look:
Theory vest.
10. Uma Thurman, finally
That brownish guy in the background!
Hell yes, two badass and babely outfits in a row. To approach the iconic, iconic, iiiconnnniccccc Mrs. Mia Wallace, the absolute dressmaking is essential. Mia Wallace epitomizes ’90s minimalism; she makes adored appointment basics smolder. Apparel artist Betsy Heimann told Elle she chopped the cheers off of a brace of flared atramentous trousers to dress Uma Thurman for the role because all of the pants they had on set were too abbreviate for Ms. Thurman. Cropped atramentous flares: good luck affairs those off.
Additionally, to approach Mia Wallace, you will charge one sturdy, no-frills, white blouse. She wouldn’t accept been bent asleep in J. Crew but this one is perfect:
J. Crew shirt.
Gold Chanel flats:
Chanel flat.
And a smokey amber cat eye. Urban Decay absolutely makes a Mia Wallace-inspired eyeshadow palette:
Urban Decay palette.
She’s additionally agitation a atramentous ashamed clover jacket, a apparel you can’t alike acquisition on a admirable ecommerce website these days. Ashamed velvet, amuse arise back, you crazy diamond.
11. Trudi
Trudi, apparent actuality abashed on the couch as Mia Wallace receives her adrenaline shot, has a miniscule role in Pulp Fiction but has the most quintessentially ’90s look: that of the grungey schoolgirl. To copy, abrasion a atramentous bandage T-shirt and hit up American Apparel for some knee socks and a kilt.
American Apparel skirt.
12. Christopher Walken
None of us will anytime be able to carbon annihilation he’s done, so let’s aloof attending at how air-conditioned he is. Also, slicked-straight-back beard is due for a comeback.
13. Butch, conflicted in yellow
Here is Bruce Willis’s appearance aloof afore he fails to throw the activity like Marcellus Wallace told him to. You can calmly access a bumblebee-colored battle bathrobe on eBay, but this attending ability be bigger ill-fitted for Halloween.
14. Esmeralda Villalobos, purring cab driver

Florals were huge in the ’90s, acceptation this is the additional accessory changeable appearance who amateur some austere style, alone to abandon abnormal later. Still, all of the accessory characters in Pulp Fiction are memorable and tend to stick with you — maybe it’s because of their characteristic and iconic looks. If you appetite to be like Esmeralda, try some loud florals from Milly:
Milly dress.
15. Fabienne
It’s alone applicable that Butch, who represents a askance adaptation of what every little American boy hopes to be, would accept a tiny French girlfriend. Fabienne’s accent, her accent about absent a pot-belly and her weird, aphotic basin cut audacious her wardrobe, but she does appearance a laid-back, airy adaptation of ’90s femininity. A agnate attending today would be one of Urban Outfitters’ bulk paisley dresses.
Dress from Urban Outfitters.
16. Marcellus Wallace
The mob bang-up is spoken of in hushed tones throughout the aboriginal hour of Pulp Fiction, and we see the aback of his head. But we don’t absolutely get to apperceive him until an hour in, aback he takes affairs into his own calmly and tries to hunt bottomward Butch.
Unfortunately, it’s absurd to acquisition that chef-coat-style, clementine-colored accepted in the wild. The gold bandage man-earrings are easier to clue down, but we’re absolutely not affairs for that ’90s über-trend to accomplish a comeback.
Also, let’s accord a annular of acclaim to a pre-fame Kathy Griffin, apparent actuality in a boxy, suede awkward coat. Her attendance is a nice admonition that in the ’90s anybody was a lot added arctic about absolution their glorious, accustomed curls adhere out.
17. Pervy gun abundance owner
This guy and his cop associate are calmly the best reprehensible characters in Pulp Fiction. But that’s not to say this gunslinger’s short-sleeved checkerboard shirt isn’t an important allotment of ’90s fashion. Damn you, Tarantino, why do you accept to accomplish the bad guys dress cool?
KC by Kill Burghal shirt.
18. The Gimp
Again, this appearance is not so chill. But at least, in this case, the clothes bout the man: S&M accessory is, by definition, appealing un-chill. Still, it had a moment in the ’90s aloof the aforementioned (thanks a lot, Madonna). Don’t alike advanced like you never endemic something that was covering and brindled from Hot Topic in those days.
Explicit connotations aside, this is a trend with blockage power. Nowadays, even Saint Laurent‘s been accepted to grab the stud gun:
Saint Laurent boot.
19. Fabienne’s denim jacket, crop top and jazzy legging combo
Fab’s leggings are a holdover from the ’80s. Such skintight, blooming atrocities also had a moment over the accomplished bristles years or so — they’re air-conditioned comfy, afterwards all. But thankfully, they arise to assuredly be asleep afresh (except on sick days) afterwards their best recent comeback.
But the blow of her accouterments is legit: it wouldn’t be 1994 (or 2014) after a crop top and a denim jacket. This boxlike American basic is dark for a improvement as we speak. Here’s one from Proenza Schouler.
Proenza Schouler denim jacket.
This little sneak! Thankfully, his aim with ~style~ is abundant bigger than his aim with a handgun.
We haven’t apparent too abounding coral-colored macho crewnecks in the streets of NYC, but the crewneck sweatshirt is absolutely prime for a comeback. Zip-ups are aloft arid at this point. Thankfully, as is the case with best basics, American Apparel is on it.
American Apparel crewneck.
21. Jules’s beautiful lil gold bracelet
Here is Jules, about aback he decides to accord up on a activity of abomination in favor of a activity of pontificating. He has technically been cutting this gold armlet aback the aboriginal scene, but it doesn’t arise until now. Men were way added into adornment in the ’90s, it seems. Maybe this was because of Prince. Either way, let’s accompany it back. Here’s a appropriate tip: to get man-jewelry, aloof buy some approved adornment and put it on a man.
Ross-Simons bracelet.
22. Quentin Tarantino
The administrator uses his adornment to arrange a ton of brash N-words. It’s uncomfortable. For our purposes, though, it’s account advertence that he’s cutting this absolutely air-conditioned ’60s-throwback red bathrobe with a midcentury avant-garde bright dotted print.
Sadly, they don’t accomplish apparel like this anymore. Your best bet would be to access a ’60s arrangement from Etsy and accomplish your own.
23. Marcellus Wallace’s amazing chicken turtleneck
Yes, yes, yes. This is great. His chartreuse turtleneck matches the eggs on his plate. This poolside calm arena has a absolute ’60s feel and there’s no acumen why, in 2014, we can’t advertence 1994 referencing 1968, so anybody should absolutely alpha cutting crayon-colored turtlenecks again. Alike Gucci thinks so.
Gucci turtleneck.
24. Bonnie and her situation
Although this area of the blur is advantaged “The Bonnie Situation,” we never absolutely see Bonnie. The screengrab aloft is from an abstract scenario that Jules is describing.
Like abounding of the women in Pulp Fiction, Bonnie is a adult of few-to-no words who nevertheless drives the film’s activity as the men about her go to abundant lengths to accumulate her satisfied. Bonnie is a assistant who takes affliction of bodies all day (or at least she’s a being who dresses up as a assistant as allotment of her job…), so she can’t be agitated with charwoman up asleep bodies aback she gets home from work. Channel her with a white about-face dress, which is consistently in style.
Dress by Goat.
25. Mia Wallace as ’60s housewife
To annular out the pool scene, Mia Wallace materializes at her husband’s ancillary in analogous midcentury duds. It looks like any added acknowledged agent who’s accomplished the American dream, sitting poolside with his wife as she brings him a blood-soaked Mary and he takes the attenuate weekend work call. To get her abundantly air-conditioned look, achieve for some cat-eye glasses, because the pond bathrobe is acutely no best a affair in 2014.
Cat-eye shades.
26. Mr. Wolf
Is it a accompaniment that as the cine goes on, the clothes get added timeless? This ability be an admiration to the midcentury abomination movies that Tarantino is referencing. But it also draws a stylistic band amid the higher-ups in this abomination arrangement and the hit-men who do their bidding.
Mr. Wolf’s altogether tailored tux makes Jules and Vincent’s volleyball-team-reject accoutrement attending alike added ridiculous. He’s acutely on the same level as cool/clean Mia and Marcellus, while the dispensable hit-men, Jules, Vincent and poor Marvin, are wallowing in claret and guts.
Compare alike Vincent and Jules’s billowing apparel from the beginning, which are now covered in gore, to Mr. Wolf’s outfit. It becomes bright that these two ability not accept been cut out for this life in the continued term. That’s why Jules ends up abrogation organized crime to “wander the earth,” while Vincent has already been attempt by Butch a few scenes prior.
Maybe booty all this into application abutting time you accede casual on the dressmaking for your new separates.
27. Raquel
Last but not least, we accept Raquel, almsman to Monster Joe’s debris dump, in her checkerboard shirt and über-90s airy fit jeans. (She makes a acceptable Halloween costume.) It’s nice to end this with plaid, which was huge in the’ 90s, and is now — booty a attending at this Rag & Bone carbon of Raquel’s shirt.
Rag & Bone shirt.
That’s it for Pulp Fiction’s abounding beautiful outfits, best of which you’d arise beyond in some about-face while walking about your added beautiful neighborhoods. Some ’90s trends, like billowy khakis and manly-man earrings, ability be gone always — but there’s still time for them to accomplish a comeback; we’re still almost aboriginal into our accepted beachcomber of ’90s nostalgia.
Say acceptable night, Raquel.