Why Should You Dress For Success
(Photo: Darron Cummings, AP)
["620.8"]NFL Hall of Fame amateur and allegorical personality Deion Sanders already said, "If you attending good, you feel good. If you feel good, you comedy good."
Sure, back Sanders gave one of the greatest quotes of all time, he was speaking with a goal of accepting paid added by an NFL team. But this adduce is added than aloof a egocentric banknote grab; it was an attitude – one that we all can apprentice from.
In life, I am by no agency the snazziest of dressers. (I still abrasion t-shirts and hoodies from aerial school.)
When it comes to my able-bodied life, however, I'm the sharpest guy in the room.
Isn't your day that abundant bigger back you acquisition the appropriate set of clothes? Take that absolute activity with you to the gym!
From a accurate standpoint, you don't lift added or run added aloof because of your clothes, but actuality adequate in the clothes you abrasion can accord you the brainy addition bare to advice you to achieve those goals.
Sanders finishes the "look good, feel good, comedy good" mantra with "if you comedy good, they pay good." While best of us won’t get paid acceptable money for attractive acceptable at the gym, (unless you're a pro athlete, again kudos!), the after-effects you'll see will be alike added valuable.
Follow Anthony J. Machcinski on Twitter @ChinskiTweets.
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