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Comedian Bill Cosby has been bedeviled by allegations of animal corruption for over a decade, but added afresh has begin himself at the centermost of media storm as over 30 women accept appear alternating with accusations adjoin him. The claims adjoin the 77-year old brilliant ambit from analytical women to drugging and raping them, with some of the claims dating aback into the 1960s.
We accept attempted actuality to account every affirmation so far involving Cosby, alpha with the best contempo women to appear forward. Through his representatives, Cosby has adamantly maintained his chastity throughout, and has not been answerable with any crimes in affiliation to any of the allegations.
1. Teresa Serignese
Date of the declared assault: 1976Date she came forward: November 20th, 2014
Teresa Serignese was allegedly visiting Las Vegas in 1976 aback she met Cosby and he offered her a admission to his show. Serignese claims that she went to the actualization and afterwards she went backstage area Cosby handed her 2 pills that he articular as quaaludes and a bottle of water. She tells PEOPLE that she came to in the average of action with the entertainer. "I was aloof like angled over, and he was adage all kinds of bedraggled stuff," she says. "I acquainted powerless, I didn't apperceive what to do, and the drugs absolutely added that. That's what I bethink – accepting sex with him, not absent to be there, not alive how to get out of there."
Teresa says she was one of the 13 Jane Does listed in Andrea Constad’s clothing adjoin Cosby.
2. Helen Gumpel
Date the declared advance took place: backward 1980sDate she came forward: February 8th, 2015
Helen Gumpel aloof fabricated her aboriginal actualization on "The Cosby Show" aback she claimed that she was sexually addled by Bill Cosby. Gumpel declared that Cosby arrive her into his bathrobe allowance area he offered her a booze and stood with his bend in her face, FOX Account reports.
3. Chloe Groins
Date the declared advance took place: 2008Date she came forward: December 15th, 2014
24-year-old Chloe Goins claims that she was benumbed and sexually assaulted by actor Bill Cosby aback she was abandoned 18-years-old. The declared advance took abode at the Playboy Abode during a activity Goins had been arrive to by a friend. She recounts the night adage both she and her acquaintance were chatting with Hugh Hefner aboriginal in the night aback Cosby absolved up. The aggregation chatted for a bit aback Cosby abolished and afresh reappeared with a booze for anniversary of the girls. Goins says afterwards she accomplished her booze she become ill and Hefner offered her a allowance to lie bottomward in. Reportedly, Cosby offered to actualization Goins to the room. Chloe told the MailOnline that she remembers alive up naked in bed with Cosby beating her toes. She says, “I came to and bethink seeing this big man below over me. It was Bill Cosby and he was at my feet, affectionate of beating and kissing them and I anticipate he bit my toe as that's what woke me up.” Goins says she does not anticipate she was assaulted in any added way but adds, “'I can't be 100 percent abiding what he did to me, I was absolutely out of it.”
Chloe is the aboriginal accuser whose allegations ability abatement below California’s statute of limitations.
4. "Kacey," Lynn Neal and Linda Kirkpatrick
Date the declared assaults took place: 1980s (Kirkpatrick), 1980s (Neal), 1990s (Kacey)Date they came forward: January 7th, 2015
In addition columnist appointment declared by Gloria Allred she introduces three new women with allegations adjoin Bill Cosby.
Linda Kirkpatrick was the aboriginal to allege adage that Cosby offered her tickets to his actualization in Las Vegas. Kirkpatrick says aback she accustomed at the area Cosby arrive her aback to his bathrobe allowance area he acicular her albino and afresh sexually assaulted her. According to Kirkpatrick her anamnesis became down-covered afterwards the albino but she does bethink Cosby kissing her saying, “My abutting bond was actuality aback in the bathrobe allowance abandoned with Cosby. I was lying down. Cosby was on top of me kissing me forcefully. I had no absorption in sex of any kind,” PEOPLE reported.
Lynn Neal batten next. Neal had an eerily agnate adventure to the one Kirkpatrick told. She too anecdotal actuality arrive by Cosby to appear his actualization in Las Vegas, actuality taken aback to his bathrobe room, and actuality offered champagne. Lynn below the albino but took a booze offered to her by Cosby afterwards that night at dinner, PEOPLE reports. She says that by the time they were walking aback to his bathrobe allowance afterwards banquet she could almost walk. According to Neal “when we entered the bathrobe allowance I sat on the couch and he started demography my pants down…I acquainted abandoned and I couldn’t stop him.”
The abutting woman identifies herself as “Kacey.” According to Kacey she met with Cosby through the aptitude bureau she formed at in the aboriginal 90s. PEOPLE letters that the two had a carefully able accord until Cosby inquired and took a added claimed absorption in her. Kacey says that Cosby arrive her to his home to apprehend through a calligraphy with him. Allegedly the arena complex a amorous kiss that Kacey did not appetite to participate in but “he was assertive with him acute his anatomy adjoin mine.” On a abstracted break Kacey was allegedly arrive to accommodated with Cosby for cafeteria at the Auberge Bel-Air. She recounts the accident saying, “Food and wine were brought in. Anon thereafter he told me I bare to relax and offered me a ample white pill.” The abutting activity she remembers is “waking up in a bed with Mr. Cosby naked below his robe.”
5. Beverly Johnson
Date the declared advance took place: Mid 1980sDate she came forward: December 11th, 2014
In an commodity accounting for Vanity Fair supermodel, Beverly Johnson, recounts her adventure of actuality benumbed and almost alienated advance at the easily of Bill Cosby. Johnson wrote that she was asked to audience for a role on The Cosby Actualization and afterwards asked to appear to a taping of show. Reportedly, Cosby seemed absorbed in Johnson’s career activity advanced and capital to admonition her out. “He seemed absolutely absorbed in allegorical me to the abutting level.” Her accord with Cosby developed to the point area he alike accustomed her to accompany her babe to his home, Johnson writes in Vanity Fair. Beverly believes this was all allotment of his arouse to accretion her trust. That assurance was burst during her aftermost appointment to Cosby’s abode area he offered her a booze that she says she knew anon was drugged- “drugged good.” Johnson tells of the accident adage that she fought back, enraging Cosby and consistent in him boring her out of his abode and into a cab. Johnson was alert of advancing out with her allegations adjoin Cosby but ultimately, “I couldn’t sit aback and watch the added women be vilified and abashed for commodity I knew was true.”
6. Judy Huth
Date of the declared assault: 1974Date she came forward: December 2nd, 2014
Judy Huth filed a accusation adjoin Bill Cosby on December 2nd, 2014. She is suing the actor citation amercement due to the “psychological accident and brainy anguish" she’s had as a aftereffect of the attack. In Huth’s clothing she says that she met Cosby aback she and a acquaintance wandered assimilate a cine set in 1974 and a anniversary afterwards he arrive them a activity at the Playboy Abode area he instructed them to acquaint anyone who asked that they were 19-years-old. Huth accuses Cosby of assaulting her at this party- she was abandoned 15-years-old. Huth comes out as the aboriginal accuser in decades to get the acknowledged arrangement involved.
7. Kristin Ruehli
Date of the declared assault: 1965Date she came forward: November 21st, 2014
Ruehli met Cosby aback she was 22-years-old at the aptitude bureau area she worked. She recalls to the Philadelphia Magazine that Cosby came in one day and said, “I'm activity to be on Hollywood Palace tonight, and I'm activity to accept a activity at my home afterwards.” Ruehli went but was afraid to acquisition that she was the abandoned one in appearance at the declared party. Allegedly Cosby fabricated her two drinks that fabricated her anamnesis hazy. According to Ruehli, she awoke to Cosby attempting to force her into articulate sex.
8. Lise-Lotte Lublin and Linda Brown
Date the declared assaults took place: 1969 (Brown), 1989 (Lotte-Lublin)|Date she came forward: February 12th, 2015
Two women came advanced in February of 2015 during a columnist appointment led by arresting attorney, Gloria Allred. Both women were young, ambitious models at the time they affirmation Cosby took advantage of them. Both Brown and Lotte-Lublin acquaint a agnate adventure of actuality benumbed by Cosby in his auberge room, blacking out and actuality assaulted. Brown anecdotal the adventure saying, “I couldn’t move or speak. I acquainted paralyzed; he addled me over and sexually assaulted me. I acquainted like a rag baby and like a real-life draft up baby for him,” Reuters reports.
9. Renita Chaney Hill
Date of the declared assault: 1982-1986Date she came forward: November 21st, 2014
Renita Hill says that her accord began with Bill Cosby aback she was 15-years-old. According to Hill her acquaintance with Cosby was not a ancient thing. She recounts to KDKA Pittsburg assorted occasions throughout their 4-year accord area Cosby offered her a booze alike admitting she was underage. Hill told KDKA Pittsburg that it took her a while to assuredly amount out what was happening. “I consistently anticipation it was odd that afterwards I had this booze I would end up in my bed the abutting morning and I wouldn’t bethink anything,” Hill said. She’s borderline if she was anytime raped or not because she was unconscious. Hill claims that at 19-years-old she absitively to cut off her accord with the acclaimed comedian. “It was aloof a appalling activity cerebration that as a allotment of your dream you acquainted like this was commodity you had to endure,” Hill said. “And that’s why I couldn’t do it anymore, and I aloof absolved away,” KDKA reports.
10. Cindra Ladd
Date the declared advance took place: 1969Date she came forward: January 26th, 2015
Cindra Ladd bound an commodity on the Huffington Post in January of 2015 area she claims she was benumbed and raped by Cosby while active in New York City. Ladd says she met Cosby while she was alive for backward becloud producer, Ray Stark. As a adolescent 21-year-old with aspirations of alive in the becloud industry she had agreed to accord Cosby her cardinal aback he asked. She recalls one night aback they had affairs to go see a movie. Cosby and Ladd agreed to accommodated at an accommodation that Cosby said belonged to a acquaintance of his. Ladd had a cephalalgia and Cosby offered her a “miracle cure” from his doctor in the anatomy of a capsule. She says the draft of the night charcoal a becloud but she vividly remembers alive up the abutting morning naked in bed and seeing Cosby in a bathrobe acting as if annihilation had happened. Ladd knew that commodity was awry, “It was accessible to me that he had had sex with me. I was horrified, abashed and ashamed.” Ladd says she abandoned told her acquaintance about the adventure but chose to appear out about about it afterwards 36 years of blackout because “it’s the appropriate activity to do” and “the accuracy deserves to be known.”
11. Angela Leslie
Date of the declared assault: 1992Date she came forward: November 21st, 2014
At the time of the declared advance Angela Leslie was a 26-year-old ambitious extra who had bent the absorption of Bill Cosby. According to Leslie, the two were in Cosby’s Elvis Presley accommodation in Las Vegas activity over an acting exercise aback he offered her a drink. Although Leslie did not absorb the cooler but she was apprenticed into affecting the comedian’s genitals afterwards which he kicked her out.
12. Victoria Valentino
Date of the declared assault: 1970Date she came forward: November 22nd, 2014
Former Playmate, Victoria Valentino, tells the Washington Post that she was alien to Cosby by adolescent playmate, Francesca Emerson. Valentino had aloof tragically absent her 6-year-old son and Emerson believed spending time with Cosby would account Valentino. Emerson says she abandoned knew Cosby as a acceptable guy, “he was a absolute gentleman."
Valentino alleges that she and her acquaintance went out to banquet with Cosby one night aback he offered them both a bolus saying, “This will accomplish us all feel better.” She says he afresh collection them to an accommodation in the Hollywood Hills area she witnessed him aggravating to abduction her roommate. “I accomplished out, avaricious him, aggravating to get his attention, aggravating to abstract him,” Valentino told the Washington Post. Allegedly he afresh angry on her, “He came over to me and sat bottomward on the adulation bench and opened his fly and affective my arch and pushed my arch down. And afresh he angry me over. It was like a alive nightmare.”
Valentino abandoned told her friend, Emerson, who originally alien her to Cosby. Emerson accepted with the Washington Post that Valentino had in actuality told her of the adventure in 1970.
13. Katherine McKee
Date the declared advance took place: Aboriginal 1970sDate she came forward: December 2014
In an absolute account with the New York Daily Account Katherine McKee alleges that she was raped in a Michigan auberge allowance by Bill Cosby. The extra and above showgirl says that Cosby asked her to aces up some ribs for him for banquet and aback she accustomed to bear them he abruptly attacked her. “He took the ribs from my easily and aloof affective me. He spun me around, pulled my panties down, and aloof took it. We were still continuing at the aperture aback he attacked me. It was so fast and so abominable and so unbelievable,” she said. Reportedly at the time of the advance McKee was the “road wife” of Sammy Davis Jr., one of Cosby’s friends.
14. Heidi Thomas
Date declared advance took place: 1984Date she came forward: February 26th, 2015
Heidi Thomas claims that she met Cosby through her aptitude bureau in 1984. Cosby reportedly flew Thomas out to Reno for mentoring sessions, a accepted activity amid the declared victims. Aloft her accession at a home in Reno Cosby asked the adolescent aptitude to act out a bashed scene. According to CNN aback Heidi did not accomplish to his achievement he gave her a booze saying, “How are you anytime activity to ball an bagged person…if you’ve never been drunk?” The booze fabricated her anamnesis “foggy” and she awoke to Cosby banishment himself on her. Thomas told CNN that she wants to accost Cosby to his face and say, “Look me in the eyes. Do you bethink me? Do you bethink me?"
15. Jewel Allison
Date of the declared assault: 1980sDate she came forward: November 24th, 2014
In the 1980s Jewel Allison claims that Cosby began contacting her to admonition her with her career aspirations of acceptable a archetypal and an actress.
She tells the MailOnline that she went to Cosby’s abode one night for banquet aback he offered her best wine that tasted off and fabricated her feel woozy. Anon afterwards arresting the wine she recalls Cosby appropriation her off the couch and accustomed her to addition allowance area he sexually assaulted her. Afterwards she says, “He angry me about and said, ‘Let's get you home.’ At the door, he gave me a absolute adamantine embrace and a adamantine kiss.”
According to Jewel, Cosby contacted her afresh afterwards the adventure to accommodated up. She declined. Allison believes that Cosby could be, “the greatest consecutive defacer that anytime got abroad with it.”
16. Beth Ferrier, Helen Hayes and Chelan
Date the declared assaults took place: 1986 (Chelan), 1980s (Ferrier), 1973 (Hayes)Date she came forward: December 3rd, 2014
Civil rights lawyer, Gloria Allred, declared a columnist appointment with three women- Chelan, Helen Hayes, and Beth Ferrier.
Chelan tells her adventure of actuality an ambitious archetypal gluttonous admonition from Bill Cosby, who promised her contacts in the industry. She says she was abandoned 17-years-old and alive at the Hilton in Las Vegas aback Cosby declared at her home to allure both her and her grandmother to his show. “He said to accommodated him in the Elvis Presley Suite. He was activity to acquaint me to addition from the Ford Modeling Agency. I had a algid at this time, and he gave me a dejected pill, which he said was an antihistamine, with a bifold attempt of Amaretto.” According to Chelan Cosby sexually assaulted her while she was still acquainted but she could not move or action back. Chelan claims that the comedic brilliant offered her $1,500 to “buy commodity nice for me and my grandmother.”
Beth Ferrier, who served as 1 of 13 Jane Does in Andrea Constad’s clothing adjoin Cosby in 2005, batten about her activity with the comedian. According to Ferrier one night backstage afterwards one of Cosby’s performances the amateur offered her a cup of coffee and she blacked out. At the columnist appointment she said, “I still do not apperceive absolutely what he did to me, but I did accost him. He said, like always, I had too abundant to drink. We were not bubbler booze it was coffee.”
According to Helen Hayes she was accessory a celebrity golf clash in Pebble Beach, CA with some accompany aback they met Bill Cosby. As she tells it Cosby followed them about all day and they eventually concluded up at the aforementioned restaurant area Cosby preceded to grope Helen’s breast. She said, “What gives him the appropriate to alike draft my body? . . . He’s a predator.”
17. Lisa
Date the declared advance took place: 1988Date she came forward: December 19th, 2014
A woman accepted abandoned by her aboriginal name, Lisa appeared on an adventure of Dr. Phil area she declared that Cosby took advantage of her aback she was 21-years-old. Lisa, like abounding added Cosby accusers, began her accord with Cosby due to her career aspirations and his affiance to admonition her accomplish by acting as her coach in the industry. Initially Lisa and her mother both had complete aplomb in Cosby. Lisa told Dr. Phil, “My mother trusted Cosby completely. I trusted him like I trusted my own father.” However, Lisa saw a altered ancillary of Cosby during a mentoring affair in his auberge suite. Lisa says that admitting her refusals Cosby offered her two drinks to admonition advance on her acting. Afterwards the drinks Lisa began activity addled and afresh things escalated. “Bill had sat bottomward on the bend of the couch. He said, ‘Come over actuality and accept a seat.’ And he had his legs accessible and aback I sat down; I was sitting bottomward in amid his legs with my aback to his crotch. And he started to achievement my beard aback in a cuddle motion like this. The aftermost activity I bethink is aloof activity the acclamation on my head. Afterwards that, I don’t bethink annihilation else.” According to Lisa she doesn’t bethink annihilation until she woke up at home two canicule later.
18. Patricia
Date declared advance took place: 1978 and 1980Date she came forward: March 3rd, 2015
Patricia, whose name charcoal unknown, was one of the Jane Does from Andrea Constand’s accusation adjoin Cosby in 2005. She came advanced in a March 2015 commodity with Buzzfeed adage that Cosby benumbed her and raped her twice. The aboriginal adventure occurred in 1978 aback the victim was abandoned 22-years old. Patricia says the actor arrive her over to his Massachusetts abode for a “family” banquet but aback she accustomed abandoned Cosby was present. He fabricated her a booze and accepted that she “pretend to be an affected queen with biscuit decrepit all over her face.” She says that she woke up naked in his bedfellow bedchamber area Cosby told her that she had “thrown up and anesthetized out and that he had alike done her dress.” The victim larboard activity ashamed over her behavior and anticipation that Cosby would never acquaintance her again, Buzzfeed reports. Cosby, however, did abide to acquaintance Patricia which led to adventure cardinal two in 1980. In 1980, Patricia says she woke up naked and out of sorts in Cosby’s auberge accommodation afterwards accompanying him to a alive taping of the Dinah Shore Show. She says she was “very ailing and knew that addition had penetrated me.” This affair with Cosby yielded addition awe-inspiring request- Cosby asked her to appearance her beard like the Queen Noor of Jordan.
19. Louisa Moritz
Date of the declared assault: 1971Date she came forward: November 20th, 2014
"One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest" actress, Louisa Moritz, says that Bill Cosby allegedly affected her to accomplish articulate sex on him in the blooming allowance of Johnny Carson’s "Tonight Show." She told TMZ that he told her, “Have a aftertaste of this. It will do you acceptable in so abounding ways.” He additionally threatened her approaching saying, "You don't appetite to agitated me and the affairs for your future, do you?"
20. Carla Ferrigno
Date of the declared assault: 1967Date she came forward: November 20th, 2014
Carla Ferrigno, wife of Incredible Hulk brilliant Lou Ferrigno, came advanced with her claims adjoin Cosby on the "Jon and Ken Show." On the actualization she said that one of Cosby’s accompany had arrive her out to banquet for a bifold date with Cosby and his wife. Allegedly both couples went aback to Cosby’s home area Ferrigno begin herself abandoned with Cosby in his basement. She claims at this point that he kissed her almost as she approved to advance back.
21. Janice Dickinson
Date of the declared assault: 1982Date she came forward: November 18th, 2014
In an absolute account with ET Janice Dickinson appear her acquaintance with Bill Cosby. According to Dickinson Cosby contacted her anon afterwards she larboard adjust and insisted she appear to Lake Tahoe to altercate career opportunities over dinner. Like so abounding others Dickinson claims Cosby gave her a pill, in her case to abate menstrual cramps. Dickinson tells ET, "The abutting morning I woke up, and I wasn't cutting my pajamas, and I bethink afore I anesthetized out that I had been sexually assaulted by this man.”
Dickinson is the best high-profile woman to accomplish claims adjoin the actor so far.
22. Linda Joy Traitz
Date of the declared assault: 1970sDate she came forward: November 17th, 2014
Linda Joy Traitz, a above waitress at Cosby’s CafĂ© Figaro, took to Facebook to blab a night aback in the aboriginal 1970s when, she claims, Cosby offered her drugs and afresh became “sexually advancing and wouldn’t booty ‘No’ for an answer.”
According to Traitz she was motivated to allege out afterward the added allegations adjoin Cosby that accept afresh surfaced.
23. Joan Tarshis
Date of the declared assault: 1969Date she came forward: November 2014
In 1969 Joan Tarshis claims she was a 19-year-old ambitious comedic biographer who was acquisitive to get some admonition from her coach Bill Cosby aback he took advantage of her. Joan says she was arrive for a clandestine autograph affair with Cosby in his Bungalow area he benumbed and raped her, CBS reports.
"I was sitting up autograph one second, and the abutting additional I was lying bottomward on the couch accepting my underwear taken off," she said to CBS news.
Tarshis alleges that Cosby raped her alert afore she was able to cut off all ties with him.
24. Barbara Bowman
Date of the declared assault: 1986Date she came forward: October 27, 2014
Barbara Bowman was addition one of the 13 Jane Doe assemblage from Andrea Constand’s 2005 lawsuit. In an account with MailOnline Bowman capacity a accord abounding with a cord of corruption at the easily of Bill Cosby. According to Bowman Cosby manipulated her into dupe him and examination him as a “father figure” and afresh he acclimated that as advantage to advance her on assorted occasions. “I apperceive for abiding he affected himself assorted times aloft me and back he bare to actualize an ambiance in which I could not action him, I can't in all bluntness say that I anamnesis assimilation because at that time I was in a abandoned accompaniment of mind, as I was generally benumbed and brainwashed,” she tells MailOnline.
In November 2014 she bound an commodity for the Washington Post “Bill Cosby raped me. Why did it booty 30 years for bodies to accept my story?” In her commodity she talks about how she approved to get admonition from assorted altered bodies but she acquainted they were all alive with Cosby and adjoin her.
25. Tamara Green
Date declared advance took place: 1970sWhen she came forward: 2005
Tamara Blooming aboriginal batten out about Cosby in 2005 during an account with Matt Lauer on the "Today Show." Blooming says she was dining at a restaurant with Cosby aback he offered her two pills to admonition action her flu illness. According to Blooming anon afterwards demography the pills she was “Almost face bottomward at the table of this restaurant” and she had absent all motor skills. Blooming added alleges that Cosby offered to booty her home and that is area the absolute advance began. Blooming told Matt Lauer, “"I absolutely told him that he would accept to annihilate me, that if he didn't annihilate me and he approved to abduction me, it was activity to go absolute badly," Blooming said. “I assumption it was annoying at that point, I had not been ashamed auspiciously into acquiescence and he larboard two $100 bills on my coffee table and he larboard my apartment."
In 2014 Blooming batten out afresh autograph an op-ed for ET Online area she abundant what it was like to appear out adjoin the absolute acclaimed Bill Cosby. She wrote, “To go for admonition and be absolved because he's absolute air-conditioned and acclaimed and you are not. It is crushing and you are a victim all over again.
26. Andrea Constand
Date declared advance took place: 2004When she came forward: 2005
In March of 2005 Andrea Constand filed a civilian accusation adjoin the entertainer. According to ABC Account the clothing independent bristles counts of declared battery, assault, accident of affecting distress, aspersion and aggression of privacy. The complaint alleges that Cosby gave Constand three dejected pills, which he claimed were a herbal antidote for stress, and “rubbed the woman’s breasts and animal areas and ‘digitally penetrated her,’ acceptation with his finger.”
27. Lachele Covington
Date declared advance took place: 2000When she came forward: 2000
In 2000, extra Lachele Covington claimed, like abounding of the others who accept appear forward, that she was affair with Bill Cosby to altercate her acting career aback things went south. Literally. In a badge address filed by Covington she claims that the actor “put her duke below his bodice and guided it south appear his sweatpants,” the New York Post reported. The New York Post additionally acclaimed in that commodity that annihilation anytime came from the badge address filed by Covington because “until the absolute moment Covington pulled her duke away, all accomplishments had been consensual.”
28. Margie Shapiro
Date declared advance took place: 1975When she came forward: March 27, 2015
Shapiro told media outlets she met the actor in 1975 while alive at a Santa Monica donut boutique that Cosby frequented. She claimed to be arrive to his becloud set area they spent the afternoon together. Afterwards, Shapiro was arrive to banquet with Cosby but the actor canceled and arrive her to accompany him at the Playboy Abode instead. Afresh 19, Shapiro said Cosby took her to the "game house" area he told her if she absent at pinball she would accept to booty a pill. Shapiro absent and took a bolus and afterwards woke to ascertain she and Cosby with both naked and he was central of her. She alleges that she anesthetized out afresh and aback she afterwards regained consciousness, Cosby was affecting her inappropriately. She said Cosby acted as admitting annihilation occurred and beatific her home with a disciplinarian afterwards cogent her she wasn't dressed accurately abundant to accommodated with Hugh Hefner.
29. Jena T.
Date declared advance took place: 1989When she came forward: Nov. 25, 2014
The above archetypal declared Cosby pressured her to accomplish a animal act on him aback she was 17-years-old in 1989. Now 44, Jena T. told PEOPLE, "He promised my parents he's booty affliction of me."
30. Sunni Welles
Date declared advance took place: Mid 1960sWhen she came forward: March 27, 2015
Welles met Cosby through her mother who was a affected agent. She claims the actor asked for her cardinal afterwards her mother took her to the set of Cosby's becloud "I Spy" in the mid-1960s aback she was 17. Welles was "thrilled" to accept the comedian's absorption afore she was an ambitious singer. They met at a applesauce club and claims the actor acicular her booze afterwards she woke up called in an accommodation with Cosby boilerplate to be found, she said at a columnist appointment at the appointment of advocate Gloria Allred.
31.. Joyce Emmons
Date declared advance took place: Aboriginal 1980s Aback she came forward: Nov. 22, 2014
Emmons, who ran ball clubs in the backward 1970s and aboriginal 80s, told TMZ Cosby offered her a white bolus to admonition with a migraine. She claimed to accept taken the bolus and afterwards blacked out abandoned to deathwatch up hours afterwards naked, in bed abutting to one of Cosby's friends. She said Cosby laughed afterwards she confronted him.
32. Michelle Hurd
Date declared advance took place: Mid 1990sWhen she came forward: Nov. 20, 2014
The "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" extra claimed Cosby affected her afield on the set of "The Cosby Show" while they sat abreast anniversary added during cafeteria one day. She additionally banned his declared appeal to appear to his abode to booty a battery so "we could draft dry my beard and see what it looked like straightened," she wrote on Facebook.




